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Ther. 66 [degrees] Sunday, June 29th Wind S.W.
180 days past Cloudy & Rain 185 to come
March 31, 1901.
Dr. E. M. Donelson, Sugar City, Col., says:
"Your sample of Pepto-Mangan (Gude) received, and
I am happy to say that as a tonic and reconstructive for
convalescence following continued fevers and depraved
blood conditions it is without an equal in my opinion."
It was cloudy & raining most of the fore
noon, and a strong wind blowing all day
& continues this evening, although it has
been clear & warm when not in the wind.
I went to meeting which was silent, and
I enjoyed it very much. Edwd was
about home most of the day, except
that he played "lawn tennis" with the
boys next door this evening.
I walked up to Fairall's after supper
and called in the evening next door
& had quite a talk with Mr Fussell.
who with his family were spending the
evening there.

Ther. 67 [degrees] Monday, June 30th Wind Variable.
181 days past Cloudy & Rain 184 to come
December 27, 1900.
Dr. R. E. Ensign, Berlin, Conn., says:
" 'Good wine needs no bush,' so it is said, and so with
Gude's Pepto-Mangan. Its merits are fairly established
in my mind, so much so that I have prescribed it in my
own family, as well as for other people. What stronger
endorsement can be made?"
Edwd went on bicycle to Kensington
and "Silver Spring". I went to the store
& P.O. before lunch. It commenced
raining steadily before lunch time
& continued more or less all day.
Willie came to supper. Edwd came home
from "Silver Spring"(as far as Edwd Thomas')
in his market wagon getting here in
time for supper. I went to the P.O.
& stores several times.

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