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Ther. 72 [degrees] Saturday, July 5th Wind N.W.
186 days past 179 to come
De. Geo. G. Van Schaick.- Continued.
never presented any signs of malaria, was not rhachitic,
and had never had any strumous enlargements as a
child. There was moderate enlargement of the spleen.
His general appearnance was distinctly anaemic. No
blood count was made, and under the microscope there
seemed to be no distinct leucocystosis. The temperature,
while the patient was under observation, varied at
irregular intervals from normal to 100 degrees F.
"The man insisted upon an operation, as he complained
that his appearance prevented his getting any
work. He was most willing to submit to what was told
him would be a mere chance of permanent relief. The
operation was done on November 18th, and was so
We are having an exttremely hot spell
of weather, which is very hard upon
me; prostrating me completely.
Willie, Fanny & little Dora came after
supper to spend the night with us.
Ther. 72 [degrees] Sunday, July 6th Wind. Variable
187 days past Clear & Cloudy 178 to come
Dr. Geo. G. Van Schaick.-Continued.
extensive that the patient remained under ether for four
hours and a half. The glands removed more than filled
a pint measure. They were not soft, nor did any of
them present any evidence of tuberculosis degeneration.
Union took place by first intention, and the patient was
discharged three weeks after the operation. He was
then lost sight of, but returned in December, 1895,
presenting a glandular enlargement about the middle of
the posterior edge of the sterno-mastoid on the left side.
Seven glands were removed the day after. This patient
was seen in February of the present year, and has
had no recurrence of the trouble."
I felt quite unwell & did not go to
meeting. Sister Harriet went down to
the Orthodox meeting. Afternoon we
had quite a heavy thunder gust at
between three & five o' clock.
Willie & family went back to "Fairfield"
after supper. Edwd went to "Riverside"
to supper, riding his bicycle.
I walked up to the P.O. and mailed some
letters for Sister Harriet.
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