Page 166
[Left side of page] Sher 50º Thursday, November 20 the Wind N.W.
[Left side of page] 324 DAYS PAST Clear 41 to COME
[Left side of page] Aug. 30, 1901
[Left side of page] Dr. J.P. thorne, Eye and Ear Infirmary, Editor of Wis-
[Left side of page] consin Medical Recrder, Janesville, Wis., writes:
[Left side of page] "In my daily practice, anæmia is a condition which I
[Left side of page] find very necessary to remove in order to get good re-
[Left side of page] sults in my special work. The best of local treatment
[Left side of page] may fail if the general condition of the patient is poor.
[Left side of page] In combating anæmic conditions Gude's Pepto-Mangan
[Left side of page] has given very satisfactory results. It is a very efficient
[Left side of page] preparation, made upon honor, and physicians should
[Left side of page] see that the genuine, and not some inferior substitute,
[Left side of page] is furnished to patients."
[Left side of page] Edwd went to Silver Spring Ve driving
[Left side of page] "Dan" to spring wagon, Willie came
[Left side of page] over to the Mill. I went back with him
[Left side of page] to Ashtom & code back with A.G. Thomas.
[Left side of page] Went to store & P.O. Alter supper I
[Left side of page] went to Fairall's office & E went next
[Left side of page] door to attend telephone having reached
[Left side of page] home about supper time.
[Left side of page] John Thomas (of "Clifton") was here to
[Left side of page] consult me, this afternoon.
Sher 53º Friday, November 21st the Wind S.E.
325 DAYS PAST Clear 40 to come
Sept.1, 1901
Dr. Carlos E. Kohly, Havana, Cuba says:
"About five years ago my attention was directed to
your excellent preparation of Gude's Pepto-Mangan by
one of my confreres who had it prescribed for him by a
prominent physican of the States. It has been my
privilege since them to prescribe your preparation for a
great variety of cases, those depending mainly on a res-
toration and strengthening of the blood - such as an-
æmia, chlorosis, etc., and I must confess that it is my
mainstay in such ailments, and I prescribe your prep-
aration with a positive confidence of success. In the
treatment of malarial fevers so common in our country,
I have found nothing to equal your preparation which
acts as a tonic appetizer and a general reconstructuve agent."
I walked to Ashtom & back & to Sandy
Spring Store & P.O. Edwd went to "Cherry
Grove" & to "Snyder's" for the Tel. Co. Ed.
Bentley called & left dinner pot. After
supper I wnet up to the village to Fair-
all's Office & Edward went nextdoor
again to attend Telephone.
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