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Minutes of the Enterprise Farmers Club Sandy Spring, Maryland Book 1 Dec 30, 1865 - December 14 1872
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We propose forming an association for improvement in Agriculture upon the sociable principle of a mutual interchange of visits.
For this purpose we agree to meet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the 2nd 7th day in every month, taking each member's house in rotation. When assembled, we shall proceed to inspect the crops, stock, farm implements and contrivances,& inquire into the modes of culture, and general system of arrangement, pursued by the member at whose house we may be. A free interchange of ideas upon agricultural subjects will be expected on the part of all; and if any member is making experiments which are likely to be useful or interesting we shall take special care to notice their progress & results.
When the examinations are completed, we will return to the house, and after taking tea, each member shall propose any question or questions, which he may wish to have answered, & if so requested, the opinion of each member may be called for upon the subject.
We adopt for our government, no rules or regulations, other than those which should always prevail in good society, with the single exception, that it shall be both the privilege & duty of each member to criticize freely the arrangements that may come under his observation.
The number of regular members is limited to 15 but it shall be the privilege of each member, to invite any person he may choose to attend the meeting at his house
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Unanimous consent is required for the admission of a new member.
The order of the visits is to be determined alphabetically. There shall be a Secretary whose duty it shall be to keep abook, in which the minutes of the meetings & the questions & answers shall be recorded, said book to remain in the keeping of the Secy but open to the inspection of all who desire to see it.
Those underscored living (8)
Jan 8 1916
Seven attended the 50th Anniversary. B. H. Miller A. M. Stabler Fred " E. P. Thomas R. B. Farquhar T. J. Lea Ar. Stabler
Philip Stabler absent
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On the 30th of 12th mo 1865.Frederick Stabler, Asa M Stabler & Samuel Hopkins met at the house of Benjn H Miller at three o clock in the afternoon for the purpose of forming a Farmer's club upon a similar plan to that which has been in such successful operation for so many years past. Upon motion of Saml Hopkins, Benjn H Miller was requested to act as Secretary for the evening
After a full discussion of the subject it was decided that the following named persons should be invited to join the association: viz: Wm S Bond, Chas H Brooke, Wm S Brooke,Roger B Farquhar, Granville Farquhar, Samuel Hopkins, Thos J Lea, Benjn H Miller, Wm W Moore, Arthur Stab1er, Asa M Stabler, Frederick Stabler, Phillip T Stab1er, Robt M Stabler, and Edward P Thomas, & the Secretary was directed to inform them of the fact, & invite them to attend our next meeting to be held on the 2nd 7th day of 1st mo 1866.
After some further conversation we adjourned to meet two weeks hence at the house of Wm S Bond, provided he consents to become a member; otherwise the Secretary was directed to call the meeting elsewhere.
lst mo 13th 1866
The clubmet at the house of Wm S Bond, where our host, Chas H Brooke, Granville Farquhar, Saml Hopkins, Benjn H Miller, Wm W Moore, Asa M Stabler, Fred Stabler, Philip T Stabler, Robt M Stabler & Edwd P Thomas, were present.
Frederick Stabler was appointed Foreman; Benjn H Miller then read the minutes of the preliminary meeting held on the 30th of 12th mo 1865, which were adopted; after which Benjn H Miller was appointed Sec. for the ensuing year, & was directed to purchase a book in which to
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record the minutesof the Association
We then walked out under the lead of the foreman, to make a survey of our hosts premises, but as the walking was wretched did not go very far; the attention of members was called to a patent hinge upon the stable door, which opens equally well in all directions, w we also noticed a corn house, which did not seem to be entirely mouse proof; & two very large potato cellars containing a few very small potatoes; our attention was also directed to a very fine team of mules which was just being unhitched; we then proceeded to the bone mill, which our host is now rebuilding for the third time & which will no doubt be an improvement upon its predecessors.
We then adjourned to the house, where after discussing a very bountiful supper provided by our hostess, the following questions were asked & answered. Viz: lst When an Ice House is partly full, should you cover the ice with sawdust while waiting for another freeze? Yes. 2nd. Would you buy cattle at 6 cts per lb, to keep till next fall? No by all 3rd. Will it pay to buy cattle now & sell next fall at the same price? No by all. 4th. Will it pay to have a hot-bed for your own use alone? Yes by all but one. 5th. What is the proper time to start a hot-bed? About the let of March 6th. How can toads be kept from rooting up rose slips in an old hot-bed? No experience in such matters. 7th. Will it do to plow as soon as the frost is out & the ground will bear the team? Yes, at this time of year. 8th. Is it better to feed rye chop, wet or dry? Five in favor of each method. 9th. Should feed be ground fine or coarse? Nine say fine, & one coase. 10th. Would you plant trees in the spring or wait until after locust year? Plant in the spring. 11th What is the best plan for troughs & mangers for horses? Long troughs put up high, with mangers beneath. 12th. What wages are you paying this year? Average price $13.50 per month, about the same as last year. 13th. What kind of manure do you expect to use for potatoes in the spring? A Majority will use Fish Guano, & some