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10. Does any one know of shoats for sale of 30 to 50 lbs

11. Would you haul wheat to Ellicotts mills and feed back

12. Is hay going to be higher.
Ans 8 say yes. 7, no

13. What can you pay for hay to haul to Washington.
Ans 3 say 75c, 5 say 70c, 5 say 65c, 2 say 60c,
I says 80c, Average 68 3/4c

13. Will farming pay.
In connection with this question J T Moore read an
abstract from his farm account which showed a profit
of $1500 on 300 Acres, last year. And H C Hallowell
gave us some good advice in relation to sticking to
the farm and working through the hard time, rather
than change occupation

14 How will it do to mix common clover with Saplin clover
on 5 acres of land to lay in grass and fall on the land
Very little experience but several approved.

Adjourned to meet by special invitation at the house
of William Lea Jr. this day 2 weeks the 29th.
Wm S. Bond

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