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stock necessary to build any turnpike in the county which joins with another pike when the other 3/5 are taken by the citizens. Also that our present county road law works well.

lst. What shall I do for a peculiar swelling on my horse's
Blistering is the best.

2 Would you plow corn stubble for oats or potatoes now
Yes unanimously

3. Which is the stronger a timber 12 inches square or
3 pieces 4 inches by 12.
13 say square, 4 say three pieces.

4. Who knows of a sow & pigs for sale
T J Lea knows of 3.

5. How many acres of Potatoes will the club plant,
and what kind
1 White Peach blow, 14 Peach Blow, 16 1/2 Monitor,
1 Harrison and one Early Rose making 33 1/2 for
those present.

6.How should cloverseed be divided when cut and threshed
on the share.
Divide after toling.

7. Who are going to sow plaster.
Nine are and six will not.

8. What is the comparative price of Real Estate
with two years ago.
from 10 to 40 per cent av. 14 1/2 per cent less

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