Page 69
stanchions, this way of fastening them was objected.
to by some they thinking the cattle are not so
comfortable as when chained. Others thought there
was economy of room, they can be fed more conveniently
and kept cleaner.
The milk house was found in beautiful order
coming into the house the following subjects
were discussed.
1st How many will pledge themselves to attend
the general meeting of the Ag. Society in
Jan. All except one expected to attend.
2d Each one present was asked his way of
keeping ice, a great diversity of fashions
all agreeing that there must be a sufficient
quantity of ice and good drainage; fodder
roofs were thought best.
3d What wages do you pay your hands?
3 $15.00 3 $13.00 4 $14.00 3 $12.00 1 $16.00 2 $12.50.
4th Is it the best way for us to spread our
straw on our land and feed hay to cattle?
Let the cattle eat what they want of the straw
use it for bedding, and to keep the yards
dry, scatter the rest on the field.
5 H. C. Hallowell gave notice of the meeting
of the Farmers Convention, asked all to
attend and invite their friends.
6 What can I afford to pay for stable
manure by the load in Washington to be
hauled as back loads by Hay Wagons?
1 $6.00 3 $4.00 2 $2.00 3 $2.50 1 $5.00 2 $3.00 3/0
7 Am I doing right to keep cattle on straw
(yes) and chaff during the early part of winter?
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