Page 70
8th Is it safe to run the pipe of a coal
stove through a roof. The pipe being protected
by a large sheet iron pipe? No,
9 How many will attend the animal
stockholders meeting of the Insurance Co?
A few of those present will attend.
Most have confidence in the Directors.
Adjourned to meet at Olny 1-16-1875
Granville Farquhar
Sec. pro tem
The Club met at Granville Farguhars, 1st mo 16th 1875,
The weather cold, with a slight snow on the ground and
icy roads. The meeting was called to order at 41/2 O'cl
by appointing
Charles H. Brooks forman, Thoms J. Lea, Asa M. Stabler
and Wm S. Brooks were absent, the guests were Henry C
Hallowell, Chas Farguhar, John Thomas and Abr Lawrence
of Howard County. The minutes of the last meeting here
were read and we started on our walk over the farm,
which walk extended to the stable. The first thing of
sure was a fine lot of poultry, several dark brama fowls
amongst them, 15 cords of seasoned oak wood at the
wood house was a subject of envy to some members, not
so the almost empty corn house. There were two fat sows
and a fine lot of shoals in the convenient hog pen.
An Emperor colt led out of the stable, 3 years old, was much
admired, and a large one of common stock thought a fine
animal, two small cows were in good thrifty condition.
The cows and young stock were in fair order considering
their number, the cow stable of which there was three, was
on the most approved plan, with stauschions for fastinings,
all clean and well littered with straw. The foreman and
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