Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1865-1872



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and city council of Washington to change the Standard of Potatoes to 56 lbs. P T Stabler, Roger Farquhar. Asa M Stabler, Chas H Brooke and Thos J Lea were instructed to inquire whether any action was necessary on our part, if so, to draw up a petition & solicit signatures. Then adjourned to meet at Belmont at the usual hour on the third Seventh day of next mo.

3d Mo 16 1867

Our Club met at Belmont. The day was one of the most inclement of the season -- snowing with wind from the east all day. The meeting was called to order with Chas H. Brooke as foreman. Granville Farquhar was chosen Sec. pro. tem. The examining of the farm was confined to the barn & surroundings. On our way we noticed a large pile of seasoned wood ready against the busy season. A combination of the principles of a gate & a pair of bars next attracted attention -- very good for temporary use but the gate which was leaning against the fence would look better and be more convenient. The barn was adjuged to be very convenient, though several improvements upon the plan were suggested -- making the straw shed as high as the upper square of the frame making the barn higher would cost but little more in comparison to the amount of room gained. The stock looked to have good attention paid them. The corn house & granery we were told were situated on the

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premises of his next neighbors. We were compelled to take the word of several of the company that the wheat was the finest in the neighborhood. The fire offering attractions superior to the barn we adjourned thereto when the following questions were asked & answered: 1st How much per lb. are pigs 2 or 3 week old worth? Ans. 9 or 10 cts. 2d How to put spoutting on barn with plank? Ans. nail together & put pitch in the crack. 3d The Best Style of Hog House? Ans. Three apartments, one on the ground the other two on raised plank floor, the one for bed covered. 4th How long let a calf you wish to raise stay with cow? Ans. 5 or 6 weeks 5th How to rent land for Potatoes? Ans. manure found by owner, have half crop. 6th How much clover seed should be sown to the acre? Ans 1 to 1/2 gals. 7th Plant Potatoes deep or shallow. 5 to 5 8 How much Peruvian Guano will it pay to put on oats 100 to 150 lbs. After supper the question were resumed9th Would you sow cloverseed in corn? Ans 8 yes, 2 nay. 10th Pay 45 cts for Hauling hay now or 35 on good roads? Ans pay 45 now. 11th What are yeast Potatoes fed to cows raw worth Ans. not much pays to cook them. The report of the committee on Potatoes was called for but not presented. This being the last meeting of the round invites to a retrospect of the success attending the efforts of the young farmers at forming an Agricultural club. Its popularity

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is evidenced by tle applications for memberphip The benefit which the club has been to our Farmers will be seen in our second visits, when we will expect to find many improvements. It will certainly be interesting to see advancements and discouraging to find things in the same condition. Let us as a Club suggest improvements and as individuals, study and put them in practice.

Adjourned to meet at Wm S. Bond's

Granville Farquhar

Sec. pro. tem.

4th mo. 13/67

The club met at the house of Wm S. Bond. Roger B. Farquhar absent. Wm Lee & Edward Gilpin were our only guests. Asa M Stabler was chosen foreman, and as the weather was very fine we took a pleasant stroll over the premises. First visiting the bone mill, two huge pyramids of beaten bones made each member's mouth water but when we went into the other apartment and saw there that skulls were sometimes crushed in the mill a feeling of horror took the place of that of envy, for the proverb of "dust thou art to dust returnest" was verified. A pile of old iron in the vicinity of the mill attracted a good deal of attention and a pond of very dirty water called forth

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several pleasant remarks. We then walked back to the Farmyard & noticed that one of the Potato caves mentioned in last year's minutes as containing some very small Potatoes, had caved in. The corn house which the wind had thrown from its pillars had been remounted The pigs close by made a small show for sausage meat & lard next fall. The garden was in excellent order. The club then passed over a fine set of clover, sowed with Oats the year before. We returned to the house when the following questions were asked & answered 1st Has any one pigs for Sale 1 mo old? B. H. Miller yes. 2nd Is it too late to get a good. Set of clover with Oats? Advised to sow timothy and clover together. 3rd What is it worth to hew timber 7 x 9 in. per running ft.? 4 cts. 4th how much are hewing trees worth per running foot? reduce to board measure & judge accordingly 5th How may acres of Potatoes & how may of Oats are to be planted by the Club this spring? 117 P. 250 — Oats. 6th What is the time to buy Herring. full moon in April. 7th Does it pay to raise calves now. too high to raise. 8th What is the best way to manage barnyard manure. 11 are in favor of hauling it out in the spring 2 would leave it till fall

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9th to take one year with another will it pay better to feed stuff at home than to haul it to market? Members are not prepared to answer this question 10. How far apart should Potatoes be checquered & how many pieces in a hill? 2 1/2 ft apart & 2 pieces in a hill. 11th Which pays best to manure grass lands or put it on wheat? 11 say grass 3 wheat 12th Has any one ever sowed Oats on Clover sod? yes & failed 13th How to fence across a stream that washes ordinary fences away 6 times a year? Gates swung at the bottom & fastened lightly at bottom are recommended 14th What is it worth to cut & maul posts? 2 cts. 15th Would you use your own oak posts or buy Chestnut? 12 for 3 against. 16th Do White Chili Potatoes rot more than other kinds? not prepared to answer 17th How did you succeed in keeping cabbage? very well, those buried with heads down & roots up gave most satisfaction. Then adjourned to meet at Falling G[r]een next mo. E. P. Thomas Sec.

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