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Status: Complete

{2d }How many Members have thoroughbred stock?
{3d} Ought you to pasture Wheat Stubble? Six say yes, 6, no.
{4th} Would you plow corn stubble for wheat? No-no.
{5th} What kind of Wheat will you sow. Both 3.
Foutz 2. Boughlon 5 Amber 1.

Adjourned to P. T. Stablers

September 11th 1875

The club met at Philip T. Stabler's
Not a full attendance of members, Edward
Gilpin & Gilbert Smith were guests. We were late as
usual in getting to business. B. H. Miller was appointed
foreman, and under his leadership we first looked
at the pigs, which were good, they are kept in pins
and fed upon pumpkins and apple hauled to them.
The hen house was examined and pronounced complete.
Our host had a quantity of sowed corn
which he had been feeding to his stock.
The oats and turnips sowed together were a failure.
The sheep were very good. The 25 year old colt seemed
to be doing well.


{1st} When would you sow wheat.
Most would prefer to sow the last week in September
{2nd} Is it too early to cut corn, six say yes, five, no.
{3rd} What would you do with rag weed on a clover field
five let it stand & 5 would cut it.
{4th} What do with fallow land that has oats on it
Harrow & shovel plow it.

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