Page 116




Status: Page Status Transcribed


Ques 3rd[?] Does it do to make dam for
ice pond in woods. Ans yes

Ques4 Is best to plough fields[1.2or3[rd]]
for corn. First & 2nd have nothing
on & 3 had hay cut off this spring
generally in favour field No 3

Ques5 When is best time to sow
wheat. From 1st to 10th Oct.

Ques 6 How much is straw worth from
100 bu wheat & foder from 100 bbl
corn Each being a good crop
& how much per bbl for corn
$9.00 for straw. $3500 for fodder
&$2.35 for corn

Ques 7th Is there such a thing known
as milk fever with sows
Ans No reason why not

Ques 8th What best way yo seed corn
ground. Harrow cultivate
& drill

Ques 9th How was our Host
pleased with Sowing rye for Stock
Very much. Pastured all his stock
for six weeks from April 10th 10 acres
in rye.

Ques 10th How best way to wean
colts. Keep them up whildst weaning them

Notes and Questions

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In line, 7 # '107' is stamped in blue ink in the far right corner


Neat! On line 2, after 'Ques 3', there is a double? superscript to the '3'


Also in line 2, above the superscript to the same # '3', there is a drawn picture of a backward
fish! In the transcribing instructions, there are listed several abbreviations in boxes that
are supposed to be triggered under certain circumstances. One of those boxes has the
abbreviation [fig]. this is to be triggered in cases such as this fish drawing. The fig box
is not on my page. It may have been taken off.


On line 3, the third unknown word may also be a drawing.


On line 17, in the amount '$35.00' the '00' is triggered as superscript.
The cursor is placed at the end of the superscript nomenclature showing
on the transcriber's screen and then the underline dialog box is triggered
because the '00' is underlined.


On line 18, in the amount '$2.35' the '35' is triggered as superscript. The transcriber
then immediately triggers the underline dialog box. On line 17 the transcriber moved the cursor to the end of the nomenclature that popped up after triggering the superscript box.
The next note will start with how lines 17 and 18 appear on the transcriber's screen showing
the differences.


$9.00 for straw. $3500 for fodder
&$2.35 for corn.
NOTE: the computer language will not transfer.
I will take a screenshot and send it to Emil.


One last note. I initially added the note about line 18 to the note about line 17.
I hit update, scrolled up to the transcription to check something, and came back
and the whole note I added about line 18 had disappeared. This is the second time this has happened with the notes. I have two hunches:
1. Grammarly is active when I transcribe and I think when the G is twirling it may interact with
the saving of the note.
2. Both notes that disappeared were part of a note that was at least 9 or 10 lines long.