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Enterprise Club met at Norwood
residence of Mr Joseph T Moore
Sept 30th 1876 Thirteen members
present. The first general appearance
of farm buildings was of everything
hit order and well kept up. After
organising we proceeded on our usual
tour of inspection & first were attracted
by various pig pens & found both pens
& their occupants in proper condition
corn as far as
well and some wheat sown.

8 cows were being milked & looked
well were making 40 lbs per week
which however is not enough considering
the attention bestowed. If credit can
be given to some wonderful cows
we hear of at the centennial exhibition

Ques What thought to here for 4 horse
broad bread waggon. 3/4 to 7/8.

R B Farquhar reports 9 sheep killed
by dogs. What to use as waste paper
for cistern. brick & cement

4th Supper time & a beef steak worthy of
being commemorated. This question
well discussed. feel better.

Is best to take 40 ct per lb for butter
all year round delivered in Washington
What is Timothy hay crop 60 tons worth delivered in Washington
one load per week! Mostly say 75c per hundred

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