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Charles H. Brook's Jan 24.1880
The Enterprize Club met at Falling [Green?]
All the members present. Capt [?]. Chas
Farquhar, Chas F Kirk and [?] [?] Miller
as guests. B. H. Miller Foreman. We first visited
the field which was being plowed for corn.
A good sod --- well turned --- being [?] apart
before and a part after the plowing
Next went into a field [sown?] to clover [in?] corn
at last working --- [all?] excellent "catch"
Attributed to [?] used on the corn --- the field
was also dressed with yard manure The wheat
looked [nicily?] The calves semed to be
wintering very well. The shoats were very
pretty The cattle in the yard were well fed
and seemed to be comfortable The yoke of oxen
were very fine

A communication from the American Agricultural
association -- [inviting?] our cooperation -- was read
A resolution that this club send a deleg ite
to its next meeting was made and laid on
the table

A communication to A. W. Stabler from [Ms?]
Shoemaker of Pennsylvania about the Farmers
Market in Philadelphia was read. A lively interest
was manifested in regard to having a similar
market in Washington City The company
present would take one hundred and twenty
six shares of twenty five dollars each. or three
thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.
B.[H?]. Miller A. [M?]. Stabler and Wm W Moore

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