Page 66



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The cattle that we saw were in good
condition, [tho?] our best [informed?] is that
he had sent the poor ones that he was
[?] of to the other place.

The hogs and pigs were very fine
This large farm is managed in a
very energetic way perhaps the appearance
of [none?] of our farms has changed

The market committee reported attention
to the subject and were [?]

The committee upon the "7th [Rt?] road."
reported having seen the Commissioner's
of the D.C. and secured the assurance
that the road would be put in order this
summer. Relaxed with thanks.

Questions How close to a spring may I ditch without

2nd Shall I [pasture?] my [?] field for

3rd Shall I plant corn early or late on new

4th Shall I stop planting corn to [haul?] [?]

5th What crop can I substitute for potatoes?
garden seeds Pay your money and take
your choice,

6th How close shall I plant corn?
12, 3 ft 9 in each way.

Notes and Questions

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