Page 119




Status: Complete

The Enterprise Club met at
Harewood Jan 25th 1882
Twelve members present, Chas. H. Brooke
Foreman . ___ To the barn was the limit of
our walk . - The step from the bridgeway
to the barn floor was rather abrupt . --
The provender in the barn seemed to be plentiful. _
From here we saw two well
filled hay houses.- Also a newly erected
shed under which to slack lime which
the proprietor thinks of great benefit. ----
The Cattle looked well, one fat cow had
been shot in the front-quarter today . ---
The corn house was well filled . ---
The ice house was nearly full. ---------
Asa M. Stabler read a letter from S.Hopkins
to him, Stating that Wm T. Walters will have a
sale of his Percheron horses , and suggested
that the members of the Club form a joint stock
Company to purchase one of the Stallions,
which he thought would sell for
about $1500.---- No stock will be taken
by the company present .----
The Election of the 17 th Member came up
as referred business, And Wm Lea was
unanimously elected . ----
Price for cutting oak .60 Cts , for getting
Chestnut rails . 65 Cts. ---
Barbed wire for fencing seems to be growing
in favor upon better acquaintance ---

Notes and Questions

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On line 1, the # '114' is stamped in the color charcoal grey on the upper left-hand corner of the page.


In line 3, after the abbr. 'Jan', there is what appears to be a single double quotation mark at the bottom of the line. Underneath the superscript 'th', there appears to be a single quotation mark followed by a single double quotation mark, both appearing at the bottom of the line.


In line 5, after the word 'Forman', appears a letter high line, this is an unbroken line.


In line 6, there is a dash after the word 'walk .' '-', this dash is just above the line.


In line 7 and all following lines. whenever you encounter two or more dashes together '--' they are unbroken and at letter high. Whenever you encounter two or more '__', they are unbroken and at or just above the line.


In line 12, above the unbroken line at the end, there is a backward apostrophe.


In line 19, underneath the superscript is what appears to be a single double quotation mark followed by a single quotation mark. Both are at the line.


In line 25, underneath the superscript, there appears to be a single double quotation mark.
Or two side-by-side dots.


In line 26, underneath the superscript, there appears to be a single double quotation mark.
Or two side-by-side dots.


In line 31, the last unbroken '---' line has a curvature to it like an upside-down smiley face. It is also darker-shaded than the others.