Page 124
1stQues. What is the comparative value W. Oak &Locusts
[ports?] for [paling?] [on?] board fence. ----
From 2 1/2 to 5 times more durability in the Locusts. --
2 nd Ques. Shall I sell wheat straw for 25Cts per. cut
or spread it. Unanimously put it on the land. --
3rd Ques. Would you put lime on rough land or
harrow first.
Harrow or rub it down . -----
4th Ques. How to time peach trees before planting . ---
Cut the top off and trim close . -----
5th Ques. What are you paying for day hands ?
50 Cts, but our host says it ought to be 60Cts.
6th Ques How soon will it do to pasture rye . --
In a few days by letting them stay on it just long enough [?] to feed
7th Ques. What is the best kind of self binder to buy, and
what sized crop jusstifies one ? ---
About 40 acres. The M cCormick, Champion
Buckeye, & Wood were all recommended, . ---
8th Ques. Would you plow sod for corn now or late?
Now for fear of its getting hard . ---
9th Ques. What Stallion will the members breed to this season ?
The majority will patronize the thoroughbred Percheron['?]
10th Ques. What will it be worth to cut wheat with a binder ?
8 say $ 1.50 per acre, 8 say $1.25 . ----
11thQues. A member has 8 steers that he has been feeding
a little meal to for a month, how is the most
profitable way to fatten them .
Increase gradually to 1/2 peck at a feed . -----
Adjourned to meet at Edgewood 4/29/82
Arthur Stabler
Notes and Questions
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On line 1, the # '119' is stamped in the color charcoal grey on the upper right-hand corner of the page.
In line 2, this writer will occasionally continue the end of one word or symbol into the next word.
An example in this line is '&Locusts'. In this example, the writer does not leave a space between '&'
and 'Locusts' so I do not either. In other instances of this occurring the writer does have a space between the symbol/word. In this case, I will leave a space also, and therefore someone reading the transcription will not know that the symbols/words are written connected/unbroken.
In line 2, there is what appears to be a single double quotation mark, on the line, under the superscript 'st'. This will be the same for the 10 remaining superscripts following question #s.
In line 3, the writer adds a line after the period at the end of the sentence. This line is one-quarter of the way above the bottom of the line and is unbroken. This also occurs in lines 4,6,9,10,11,14,17,19,21,25 and 29. The line varies being off the bottom of the line from 1/8 to 1/3.
They are all unbroken. The line in line 9 curves to appear like an upside-down smiley face.
The line in line 29 is the oldest appearance of what appears to be the Nike 'swoosh'!
In line 15, the last words of the line in the transcription are the dialog box "added" - '[?] to feed'.
'[?]to feed' is placed above 'long enough', the last two words on the written line. It is hard to tell if
'[?] to feed was inserted 'after-the-fact'. A case could be made that 'just long enough' & '[?] to feed',
were all added after the fact, due to the change in ink thickness.