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Status: Needs Review

2ndQuestion How to raise 600 bus. of Potatoes on 4 acres ?
Manure corn stubble ground heavily from the
barnyard, plow under, then put on about 500
lbs. of good fertilizer
3rd ques. Where is the best place to keep seed potatoes ?
In a dry cellar, and move them occasionally. ---
4th Ques. - When is Rye in the proper state to cut for tying fodder ?
As soon as it will not pull at the joints when dried ?
5th Ques. When should Rye be cut out of wheat ?
When in bloom . -------
6th Ques A visitor had about 50 acres of wheat to cut ,
shall he sell his selfsake champion & buy a binder
at a difference of $ 200.00 ?
Unanimously decided not. ----
7th Ques. What should I do with a badly sweene[?]yedhorse ?
Keep him at light work.
8th Ques. Will garlic seed mature in timothy hay ?
[?]. Farquhar says it will. -----
9th Ques. Which will pay best to plant 3 or 4 acres in
corn &save the grain, or use it for ensilage? ---
15 say use for ensilage &three to use for corn. --
10th Ques. In a barbed wire fence with posts 24 feet
apart , would you whitewash them ?
2 said not, 15 said yes. -------
Adjourned to meet at Magnolia
July 1 st
Arthur Stabler
Secty. ------

Notes and Questions

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On line 1, # '123' is stamped in the color charcoal grey on the upper right-hand corner of the page.


In line 2, there are two small marks that lie side by side on the line under the superscript.
These marks resemble periods, single quotation marks, double quotation marks, or even mini dashes, for the most part.
These marks will be present under all 9 questions superscripts, and the date at the end.


In line 5, there is a line going across what I am pretty sure is an 'l' in the abbr. 'lbs'.


In line 7, the line after 'present' is about 1/8 off the bottom of the line and is unbroken.
This also occurs on lines 11,15,17,19,21,22,25 and 29. These lines can be straight or start straight and slope some and even hook at the end.


In line 13, the words '& buy' are connected by pen but separated by space. There are usually several instances of words being connected but separated in this writer's writings. When there is space between them I will not make any further note of the connectivity.