Page 35



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supper to which all did full justice, on resuming
a letter from B.D.Palmer was read on the subject
of holding a convention this year resulting in
the appointment of Asa M Stabler, RB Farquhar
& Chas H Brooke as a committee, to meet a simi
lar committe from the other clubs.on the
A resolution was unanimously passed making
it the duty of the President at each meeting to name
a member who shall select a question for our
next meeting to be opened by our Host._ Newton
Stabler was named to select the question for our
next meeting. After which the following questions
were asked & answered . _____

1/Ques Chas H B rooke wishes to know what to do
with his steers .

Ans He was advised to increase hisfeed +sell
as soon as they are fat.

2/Ques What is the best style to Build a pig pen.

Ans Every one present prefers a pen entirely under Roof

3/Ques Is it best to buy clover seed now or wait till
spring ?

Ans Most think it will be higher in spring.

4/Qus We had a very interesting discussion on the
subject of de horning our cows . Mostof
those present seemed to favor the plan

5. Ques Sam c Hopkins asks shall he rebuild his
barn on the old foundation or build some
cheap stables and Barracks.

Ans A maj ority would rebuild the barn

Adjourned to meet at Rock
Spring Dec 31 _ 1892

J.F.L sec

Notes and Questions

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On line 1, the # '41' is stamped in the color blue on the upper right-hand corner of the page.


In line 2, the words 'to which' are connected but the writer has left a space between, so I have left a space between. This also occurs in lines 6, 14, 15, 19, and 32.


In line 3, the name 'B.D.Palmer', the periods are below the line. The writer did not leave enough space between the 'B' and 'D' nor the 'D' and 'P' which are connected.


In line 14, the line at the end is unbroken. In conjunction with the encirclement of the period by the tail of the last letter 'd', presenting a picture for a Rorschach test.


In line 15, questions start which are listed in the margins. The body of the text remains aligned the same from top to bottom in the original text. Due to the questions starting mid-page, the body of the text shifts over about an inch on the transcription.