Page 36




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Rock Spring Dec 31 st 1892
We wre called to order about the usual time
by W [?]W M oore as foreman. It being a stormy
afternoon it was decided to takeashort walkbefore
reading the minutes of the previous meeting held
here .__ We found the Barn yard abundantly supplied
with cattle & hogs of various sizes & ages.
Feed was very abundant . __ The Oxen were very
handsome. but most of our members would prefer
to work cattle of a lower [grade?] having better feet
& a faster walk :__ The Sheep pens were very
comfortable, but this waste of hay was by far too
great for a scarce season like this. _ One lot of sheep
were ready for the Butcher, The Breeding Ewes wereall that
could be desired . Several [slauctrious?] to secure unnatural
Mothers who refuse to own their lambs we
were told gave great satisfaction . Our
Host is wintering his colts out this year and
Thinks is much better than to stable them.
On returnin to the to the House we read the minutes
of the last meeting held here, also of the previous
meeting , which were adopted. P.[T?]. Stabler, B H
Miller ------------------------------------------------------------
Arthur Stabler Fred Stabler Chas. & Brooke
& Granville Farquhar were found to be absent from
this meeting. We had with us as guests W E Muncaster
J.C. Bentley . F M Hallowell [T?]. B Stabler
and Dr Brooke, our host read a most
interesting meetingarticle on horse feeding showing how
much how much better to use more straw and fodder
than to use such quantities of hay as is the custom
with most farmers , thereby causing so much heaves
We had much discussion on feeding crushed corn
to horses . __ A communication from the Deer
Creek Club was on Road improvement was read, but
it was not thought worth while for us to take any__
action at this time. The Election for Secretary
for the ensuing year resulted in [T.J?] Lea being
chosen & Chas E [Bond?] was appointed was appointed to collect his
salary : The following question was reffered to Saml.

Notes and Questions

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On line 1, the # '42' is stamped in the color blue on the upper left-hand corner of the page.


In line 5, the 'W', 'superscript', and 'W' is without a written break. The writer does put a space between them so I also put a space between them. This also occurs with other words, initials, and names, in lines 9,12,27,28,29,39,41, and 42.


In line 6, I'm not sure if the superscript 'a' is actually an insert, and I cannot figure out why the writer would cross out the 'k' in 'walk.


In line 8, the underline is unbroken. This also occurs in lines 10,13,36, and 38.


In line 23, after the word 'here' there is a straight comma at the line and a backward comma above it at the mid-line.


In line 37, there is a solid line above the 'wa' in the first appearance of the word 'was' in the line.


In line 16, there is a symbol? above the last word 'than'.


In line 13, the '& a' is without a written break. The writer does put a space between them so I also put a space between them.


In line 25, Somehow I put just 1 word 'Miller' on line 25 that should have been the first word of line 26. I caught this proofreading and to go back now and subtract line 25 would mess up a lot of my notes. Sooooo I'm going to let one of you guys at the higher pay-grade fix this ('_')