Hopkins to be opened by him at the next meeting. __
Is it feasible for the average farmer to run a market
wagon from his own farm every week throughout the
year to a profit ? ___ If so how. shall it be done
The following question[s?] were asked and answered
1/ques What shall I pay a man for the next 3 mos?
Ans About $ 10. pr mo.
2/ques Will [I pay?] to feed grain to a pair of their oxen?
Ans Most say feed a small quantity but not expect
to sell before this time next year.
3/ques [JC?] Bently asks what is straw worth delivered
at Edw L Bentlys stable he to get all
the manure .
Ans from $ 5. to $6 pr Ton .
4/ques If I rent land for corn & seed to wheat or Rye
apply 500w of some standard [Fertiliyer?] and sow
the usual quantity of [Grafs?] seed should I pay
any rent for the second year? if so how much?
Ans One says pay $2 pr acre the second year
all others rent free. ___
5-ques What is a good farm without house or garden
Worth pr acre for a turn of 5 years ?
Ans 3 say $2. 5 say $2.50 & 6 say $3 pr acre.
7/ques R B Farquhar wishes to know what to do about
the Ice at Road crossings of Branches ?
Ans Either fix the road & send bill to the commissioners
or go to the Supervisor of the Road.
W W Moore made a report on dehorning
his cows. showing that he is greatly pleased
with it & no doubt we will all soon have
all cattle dehorned . After a pleasant
evening we adjourned to meet at Samul
Hopkins Jan 28[th?]
Notes and Questions
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On line 1. The # '43' colored in the color blue is stamped in the upper left-hand corner of the page.
In line 2, the words 'to be are without a written break. The writer does put a space between them so I also put a space between them. This also occurs with other words, initials, and names, in lines twice-9,14,twice-16,17,25,27,31.