Page 38
White Hall Jan 28 th 1893
The Enterprise Club was called to order
this day at about 5p.m. with Asa M.
Stabler in the chair and E.P. Thomas
sec pro tem.
There were no minutes of previous meeting
on hand, the sec. pro tem was to blame
for this as T[J?] Lea had forwarded the
book to him.
Chas.H. Brooke R.B. Farquhar Gran
Farquhar, R.T. Stabler B.H.Miller,
Arthur Stabler & T[J?] Lea were absent,
Dr John Hardy N Miller John Thomas
and [Tarlton?] B Stabler were in
attendance as guests.
Since our last visit here our host
has had the misfortune of [losing?]
his barn by fire , however we found
him in a good humor and his
stock nicely housed in a new stable
rather nearer the house than the
old barn, built of yellow pine boards
and frame with posts set in the
ground. The building about 20 x 60 ft.
with a shed about 1[6?] ft wide & one end
& one about 12 ft [made?] the entire length.
The sheep were completely protected by
having a Temporary roof of fodder
thrown over the standing walls.
The Birch Walls of the Old barn were
pronounced to be good enough to
rebuild [inthoust?] much [rife?] [air?].
After a most excellent supper which was
[?] over by our hosts wife in her
usual cheerful & hospitable manner
we discussed the following Topics .
1 st. By the host, What kind of shingles
shall I use in renewing my barn ?
Nearly all recommended 2 nd quality
Notes and Questions
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