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Rockspring - 6 th mo. 29 th 1895 .

The Enterprise Club met at Rockspring , with all
the members present except Philip [J?]. and Arthur Stabler .
We had Wm E. Muncaster , Dr. Chas. Farquhar, R.H.
Miller, Alban Brooke, Dr. Mahlow Kirk and Walter H.
Brooke in attendence with us. Robt. M. Stabler
was appointed foreman and after reading the minutes
of the Club held here last year , we started out for
an inspection of the crops ect: on this large and
well regulated farm: first passing through the garden
and trucking field , which was in its accustomed
good condition. The fat Cattle were looking well
for their kind , having grown much faster than
their horns _ The corn field did not show up
well as it seemed to have suffered from the efforts of
the "bad worm " in many places . But the grass _
did we ever see so much ? field , after field of
Timothy & Clover. Pure Timothy , mixed , and
Clover alone : ninety (90) acres in all and all
good. On returning to the house the minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted. Then a communication
was read from [Heeualt?] of Benning
D.C. making recommendations to the [?] Coms.
in relation to market at Washington. The Secty.
was directed to reply that the plan in general was
approved and that a Committee of this Club would
meet them and others interested upon notice.
R. B. Farquhar of the Comm. on sign boards
reported some investigation into the subject and the
Comm. was continued. At this stage of the proceedings
we were induced to leave outside affairs for a while
to attend to those within. Upon resuming our
place on the porch the following questions were
discussed .
Ques 1st Shall I sow crimson Clover for sheep pasture
instead of rye or barley .
Ans. The use of Crimson Clover was discouraged for
this purpose. and winter oats was recommended
instead .

Notes and Questions

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On line 1, # '109 is stamped in steel grey on the upper right-hand corner of the page.


In line 7, there is a single double quotation mark under the underlined superscript.


In line 18, the words 'to have' are connected by the written line but are spaced apart.


In line 27, there is a single quote mark atop either side of the 'ty' in 'Secty'.


In line 32, the 'ig' in 'investigation' appears to have been redone.


In line 41, the 'ed' in 'recommended' was adjusted.