Page 545
Clarified Jan. 2nd 1909
Fourteen members assemblied at Plainfield Jan 2nd 1904/
Since we last met at this interesting and program we [plase?], our host has constructed a very convenient and up - to - day constable accomidating about 28 herd of stock. The building is throughly ventilated using muslin along the front, to the extent of about two sq. feet per cow. The cows fase each other having large feed troughs with a very convenient feed way in the center. She metal swinging stanchions are used throughout.
Oysters in every style and then some, served to bridge over the gap between the walk and a very interesting and determined discussion of the road question later on in the evening.
N. Stabler, L. J. Lea and J. B. Stabler were appointed a comm. to arranged for a Farmers Convention.
R. R. 'h Do members like the combination cornhouse & shed? Yes. Care of farm machinery is a most important factor toward success.
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