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Status: Complete

Bloomfield, 3-30-1913 565 13

The absent members were: T. Lamar
Jackson, G. A. Wilson, Wm Canby,
Arthur Stable, M. J. Stabler, & Malcolm
Farqugar, B. Dorsey Downey & Wm Y,
Boyce were guests.


The club concurred in our host's plan
of clearing up five or six acres
of thinly wooded land just
back of Sandy Spring, and
suggested that blue grass and
alsyke clover be repatched in &
be pastured for a year or so
before undertaking the stumps.

C. T. Gilpin is told that the only advantage
derived from using the Berkley
hydrated lime is it's finely
divided condition, which
might prove to be a decided
disadvantage if a long useful
period is desired.

B. Dorsey Downey spoke of his mare
becoming nearly dry within
a week after having a calf; he
is advised to try her once
more, but to breed her in the
fall this time.

B. H. Miller is advised not to sew
floats in strips on the lawn in
order to see the advantage of it's
application, very likely the lawn
would present a quiet like appearance
which would only serve as
a constant reminder that he should
have spent more or less, probably less.

Townsend's corn is recommended to Chas. E.

R. R. Moore had had some disagreeable
experience with a certain person
living near Wheaton, from whom

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