Page 213
of 200 lbs of [?] to 800 of rock .
to [?] alfalfa sod which has been manuered .
He is also advised to use a disc clover seed drill .
W m F. Thomas has 15 or 20 bus of seed rye for sale .
Samuel Bond brought up hte question of turnout
chickens pasturing on fields . This is a
problem as much unsolved as when our
Enterprising Club started . Some of our
members use the shot gun . Very effective with
the chickens but hard on the good will .
The question of the justification of the continuation
of the present fixt price for wheat was
brought up by Chas.E.Bond and discust
at length . Most thought that $ 2 50
per bushel would be a most just
price for the 1918 crop especially in
view of the fact that farmers do not
really get the maximum fixt price at
all .
Frederick Stabler is advised to sow rape in narrow
rows for hog pasture .
B . H. Miller is advised not to sow Soudan grass .
Opinion was divided whether Wm W. Moore should
purchase a hayloader or a side delivery rake
this year . Practically all would not get
both now .
T. Janney Brown is told that wheat generally
should not be sown later than the last
of October .
geo .A . Wilson was advised to make a rubber
out of planks 3 x 6 or 3 x 8 overlapping
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