Page 6


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3 revisions
thegaysianbooknerd at Dec 10, 2022 02:29 PM

Page 6

favourably for favourably Appropriation for Maryland Agricultural College $95,000. Good Roads Movement 1,500,0000. or more Approved. Unfavorable Sustained leave to delegates Country Life Commission 15,000 ([Walker?] of [?] [?] School of Technology at Johns Hopkins. 1,500,000. sustain [m this?] Favorable. Normal School, 15000. Favorably.

favourably for favourably
Appropriation for Maryland
Agricultural College
Good Roads Movement
1,500,0000. or more Approved.

Unfavorable Sustained
leave to delegates Country Life Commission
15,000 ([[Walker?]] of [[?] [?]]
School of Technology at
Johns Hopkins.
1,500,000. sustain [[m this?]]
Normal School,
15000. Favorably.

Page 6

favourably for favourably

favourably for favourably