Page 18


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2 revisions
Princess1 at Apr 05, 2023 05:47 AM

Page 18

Longmeade 3-2-1912 574 11
of the club and it was suggested that
the club go in in Committee of Whole House
on the State of the Union and have
it out.

Geo. A. W. is asking how to put a pound
a day on lambs was told that a
great deal depended on the breeding
of the lamb.

R. R. M's question about when to sow clover
seed was answered by eight favoring
early and five medium to late sowing.

T. B. S. spoke if ibe neighbor sowing in the
morning, continuing until the surface
thawed, while another neighbor on the
other side of the road waited for
such a condition and plodded three
the need to sow his seed.

Most of those present advised R. R. Moore
to use straw rather than shavings
for bedding even in consideration
of the high price of straw.

According to the cost of seed potatoes,
E. P. Thomas was advised not increase
the acreage of his main

Adjourned to meet at
M. L. Bentleys

S G Thomas Secy

Page 18

Longmeade 3-2-1912 574 11
of the club and it was suggested that
the club go in in Committee of Whole House
on the State of the Union and have
it out.

Geo. A. W. is asking how to put a pound
a day on lambs was told that a
great deal depended on the breeding
of the lamb.

R. R. M's question about when to sow clover
seed was answered by eight favoring
early and five medium to late sowing.

T. B. S. spoke if ibe neighbor sowing in the
morning, continuing until the surface
thawed, while another neighbor on the
other side of the road waited for
such a condition and plodded three
the need to sow his seed.

Most of those present advised R. R. Moore
to use straw rather than shavings
for bedding even in consideration
of the high price of straw.

According to the cost of seed potatoes,
E. P. Thomas was advised not increase
the acreage of his main

Adjourned to meet at
M. L. Bentleys

S G Thomas Secy