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3 revisions | Princess1 at Apr 05, 2023 06:02 AM Page 1912 Bloomfield 3-30-1912 565
On the 30th of March, 1912, the
Enterprise Club met at Bloomfield
with Maurice L. Bentley as host. Not
for just twelve years have we had
the pleasure of visiting this fine
old home, so prominent in early
Sandy Spring history. Time has
wrought few changes here, but the
greatest change is the loss of our
valued former memver, Edward
N. Bentley, who always took such
an active and interested part in
the proceedings of the Club. Our
young host has taken hold
of the place with vim and
determination, and the results
which he has obtained are very
creditable, the greatest change
that he has brought about is
the marked improvement in the
fertility of the farm which be
has accomplished through judicious
fertilizing, soiling, and cropping,
a thrifty young orchard has
recently been planted in the
front field adjoining the old
orchard. The minutes of the
meeting here twelve years ago
spoke of our former host having
great trouble with badly washed
places after spring rains. This
must be are ever present me[n?]ase
as the same conditons in the
same places prevailed on this
visit, and the same advise was
given. We were sorry to see that
a splend yellow poplar sa[?] - log
had been saved into sto[n]e
lengrhs for fuel; what fine
weakens - boarding it would have
made! 12 Bloomfield 3-30-1912 565 Page 1912 Bloomfield 3-30-1912 565
On the 30th of March, 1912, the
Enterprise Club met at Bloomfield
with Maurice L. Bentley as host. Not
for just twelve years have we had
the pleasure of visiting this fine
old home, so prominent in early
Sandy Spring history. Time has
wrought few changes here, but the
greatest change is the loss of our
valued former memver, Edward
N. Bentley, who always took such
an active and interested part in
the proceedings of the Club. Our
young host has taken hold
of the place with vim and
determination, and the results
which he has obtained are very
creditable, the greatest change
that he has brought about is
the marked improvement in the
fertility of the farm which be
has accomplished through judicious
fertilizing, soiling, and cropping,
a thrifty young orchard has
recently been planted in the
front field adjoining the old
orchard. The minutes of the
meeting here twelve years ago
spoke of our former host having
great trouble with badly washed
places after spring rains. This
must be are ever present me[n?]ase
as the same conditons in the
same places prevailed on this
visit, and the same advise was
given. We were sorry to see that
a splend yellow poplar sa[?] - log
had been saved into sto[n]e
lengrhs for fuel; what fine
weakens = boarding it would have
made! 12 Bloomfield 3-30-1912 565 |