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WHEREAS the change in the location of the Farmers' Market of the District of Columbia is of very great importance to the Montgomery County Farmers, and
WHEREAS any market site in the southern or Southwestern section of the District of Columbia, which may lie to the south of Pennsylvania Avenue would materially increase the difficulties and hazards as well as the length of the haul through the heaviest traffic of the city, and
WHEREAS approximately 82% of the produce supplying the Farmers' Market comes from the south and the east of the District of Columbia, that is, from Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties, 49% being from Montgomery County, and
WHEREAS the present center of population of the District of Columbia lies approximately at L and 10th streets N. W. and also that the trend of development of the population of the city is toward the North-East and East-North and
WHEREAS a market site to the north of Pennsylvania Avenue presents greater convenience to both the consumer and the producing farmer at the present time and the future development of the City.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: that Farmers' Convention held at Sandy Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland the 18th, day of February 1928 place itself upon record as opposed to any Farmers' Market site to the south of Pennsylvania Avenue, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the block numbered 669 bounded by 1st and O Sts. North Capital St., P St. and Florida Ave. N. C. receive the approval and support of this convention as the proper site for the Farmer's Market, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Convention and copies sent to Chairman Gibson of the Committee to Senator W. Cabell Bruce and to Sen. Millard E. Tydings.
Milton Bancroft,
Approved Send resolution to Zihlman & Gambel
To the Hon. Mr Zihlman Wash D. C.
The following resolution was unanimously approved at the Farmer Convention held at Sandy Spring Montg. Co. Md on Feb 18th
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Farmers Convention Sandy Spring Md. Feb 18 1928
The 56th annual Farmer's Convension met at Sherwood [?] High School at 10 o'clock in the morning of Feb 18 1928. A numerous and representative audience was present. After the minutes of the 1927 meeting were read and approved, the meeting opened with a statement by Francis Thomas, chief of the Sandy Spring fire department showing the needs of the community in the direction of a water supply for fire protection.
A report of the special committee to investigate the best method of supplying water advised the installation [? ?] of 20000 gal cisterns 20 x 12 in dry villages - to be supplied by rain from roofs or from wells. 2nd for villages having a partial supply from small streams - cistern of 15000 gals & 3rd for farms cistern containing 2000 gals. The cost of such cisterns would be approximately 2¢ per gal.
The report of the com. on water supply was approved by the convention. Milton Bancroft [?] presented the following resolution
Whereas - among the numerous organized bodies of this community there is none which is representative of the community as a whole and Whereas in the rapidly changing conditions of our community interests there is a constantly increasing need for united effort to secure & protect such general interests
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Be it therefore Resolved that this Farmer's Convention advocate & recommend to the other organizations of this community the formation of a general Council which shall represent each section of the Community and which shall give leadership & direction to organized effort toward public improvements and betterments and Be it further Resolved - that this general council shall consist of nine members to be elected by the organized societies or associations of this general community so there shall be one representative from each of the following centers - namely Brighton Brookeville - Olney, Oakdale, Sandy Spring - Holland's Corner, Ashton, Ednor & Spencerville, and Be it further Resolved - that all questions of public improvement or policy be brought to this council & upon careful discussion and approval be referred for support & approval to the various supporting organizations & then brought to a practical issue by the most direct methods possible, and Be it further Resolved that this Farmer's Convention invite each of the organized societies or clubs of the community to send three delegates to write with the same number from the Farmer's Convention to formulate plans for the
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creation of such a council together with of elections + general procedures.
The resolution was seconded by R. Bentley Thomas + voted as approved by the Convention.
Milton Bancroft Frank Downey + Granville Thompson were appointed as the [?] delegates to write with those from other societies in organ izing this community Council.
R. Bentley Thomas presented a resolution directed against the proposed program of the War + Navy Departments of greater preparations against war. The resolution was approved.
R. Bentley Thomas then presented general resolutions advocating some measures of Farm Relief be passed by Congress. These resolutions were approved.
Granville Thompson presented resolutions advocating the location of the Farmer's Market in Washington on the block numbered 669 in the Eckington section of the Dist. of Columbia.
Dr. Symonds of the U. of M. discussed the subject at length and the resolution was approved + the Sec'y directed to send notice of this action to Chairman Gibson, Sen. Ichlman [?] + Bruce + Rep. Tyddings + Gambel of the committee.
After an intermission for lunch + social intercourse Dr Eugene Auchter [?] gave an address upon the Adaptation of Orchard Fruit Production to the Market.
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He advised against increased acreage of fruit in this section except under ideal conditions. Neglected orchards are a menace to the fruit trade but the real fruit growers should endeavor to increase quality + production per tree.
High production requires a good growth of tree - For trees 14 to 20 yrs old the terminal growth should be from 12 to 16 inches - fruit spurs 1/2 inch + trunk + root development to correspond each year.
46% of culls are for size 24% for limb rub + 15% for handling bruises.
Quality is received by 1st thinning 2nd Pruning - in small cuts throughout the tree, 3rd Organic matter turned in about the roots.
He mentioned the acreage in the neighborhood being conducted on experimental lines + advised following these experiments for the purpose of improved practice.
Robt Miller gave a carefully written paper on the Adaptation of Crop Practice to meet [marte] meet changing Market Conditions. He showed there were three requirements 1st good production 2nd sufficient quantity + 3rd regular supply - all controlled by intelligence. Where stock was raised use pure bred + keep the inferior products at home - Crops are too frequently planted on present rather than future prices + the various crop reports should be carefully analysed + used as guide. To ensure a regular supply - cooperative marketing would help + road side markets can be used to advantage. The time for raising staple crops in this section has