Page 36
The 815th meeting of the Enterprise Club
was entertained by P.G. Ligon on Sat
November 11th, 1933. Those who met at Triadelphia
found that garland had been
feeding his 14 fat cattle and most of them
were beginning to show a finnish. A lot of
hogs and his 25 stock cattle compleated
the livestock on this productive tho hilly
farm. When we reached Homestone
others had gathered there and we noted
that M. H. Bancroft, G. R. Canby and C. L. Gilpin
were absent. Guests were O. W. Anderson, T.
Brooke, WmDimwiddie, J.J.and H. G. Hutton, Mr.
Hawthorn, J.W. Jones, R.H. Lansdale, Henry &
Harwood Owens, M.O. Stabler and W.J. Thomas.
After a delicious turkey supper and
the usual interval the Club was called
in executive session and by unanimous
vote Harwood Owens and Samuel P. Thomas
were asked to again become members.
P.G. Ligon and Albert Stabler were asked to
see Harwood and C.B. Hurry & F.L. Thomas were named
to call on Samuel.
When this session was over Wm Moore
called the regular meeting to order and
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On lines 3-5, the Stabler Brothers Farm preprinted name and address are stamped and centered on the paper.
On line 6, the Stabler Brothers Farm phone # is preprinted and stamped to the left of the name and address on lines 3-5. The 'phone #' type size is smaller.