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Status: Complete

R. B. Farquhar.


WHEREAS, - the costs of all governments - National, State, County, and
Municipal , have increased recently far beyond all previous bounds,
until our National debt is nearly thirty billions of dollar, and
our Montg. County debt, sixteen millions, and, --

WHEREAS, - at the same time all incomes have been greatly reduced,
taxes greatly increased, and new sources oftaxation eagerly sought for
by the politicians, to support mounting expenditures, -much of this to
support one out of every sixth person in the United States, from some
public treasury,- and,--

WHEREAS, -many of the old methods, practices, and results , of partisan
politics, as applied to city and county units, are not representative,
augment and create inefficiency, are often wasteful, extravagant, and
antiquated, and not for the best interests of all the people., - and,

THEREFORE, it being manifest that something must be done to keep
expenditures within present and prospective incomes, with due regard for
the ability of our citizenship to pay the excessive costs in taxes, -or
the County and this County will become bankrupt, and the people
impoverished, - and, -

WHEREAS, to stave off these dire consequences in other places, it has
been found advisable and expedient , for the preservation of society,and
the perpetuation of our cherished institutions, - to adopt new methods, and
measures, to meet the ever changing conditions, - and HENCE, --
440 cities inthe U.S. in 1933 , had adopted the city manager form of
government, six counties have followed suit, 40 counties in 16 staes
were considering its adoption, and numerous legislatures were discussing
enabling legislation, to permit the change from old methods, found to be
outworn, - and, --

WHEREAS, 90 % of the cities in the U. States , having manager forms of
government, held strictly non-partison elections, disregarding old parties.
and National partisanship,--and, --

FOR THE ABOVE REASONS, many such cities , turned deficits into surpleses
with excess cash in banks, and reduced bond issues, or eliminated them
all together, - -

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, - that a committee of two be appointed by this
Convention, to make a study of the manager system as applied to county,
governments, --- said committee to report with its recommendations, to
this Convention one year hence, to the end that Montg.County may keep
abreast of the trend of the times, keep its citizens informed of any
practices elsewhere found beneficial, - and thus be enabled to adopt such
improvements in methods, as may seem advisable, to increase efficiency,
reduce expenditures, and eliminate expensive and unnecessary partisanship,
in the administration of County affairs.

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