Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1952



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Farmers' Convention Committee....1952.

Representatives of the four Farmers Clubs met at the home of Pres. W.H.Gilpin on the evening of 1/21/1952. Those present were Frank Willson, S.P. Thomas, Donald Hobbs, Durus Hottle, Malcolm White, E.Brooke Lee, Wiley Griff ith, J.N.Bentley and R.H.Miller, Jr.

The minutes of the Committee meeting, held 1/18/1951, were read and approved. The Convention will be held at Sherwood, Saturday Feb.23. The secretary will arrange to get the school. As Forest Walker had expressed a desire not to serve again, Wliey Griffith was chosed as Vice-Pres. in his place. The other officers were re-elected - Pres. W.H.Gilpin; Vice-Pres. J.N.Bentlye; Sec. R.H.Miller, JR.

Malcom White consented to serve as chairman of the men's committee. It was tho't that Mrs. Fred Gilpin would continue as head of the Ladies committee, and Malcolm was delegated to make sure. She would ask her own help. Each of the four Clubs will name two members to serve on the/men's committee. The secretary reported the surplus of last year was reduced to $17, so an assessment of 50¢ per member was set. Each should provide a basket for six person, preferable. Otherwise notify Mrs. Gilpin or the secrtary of his own Club that $3 will be given. It was stressed that members should try to bring others to the Convention, particularly the young people. Emphasis should be given this in newspaper publicity, and on the radio, as well.

A tentative program was set up ( Printed publicity to be available at Enterprise and Montgomery Clubs.)

R. H. Miller Jr. Sec.

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State of Maryland Crest FATTI MASCHII PAROLE FEMINE Theodore R. McKeldin Governor Executive Department

Annapolis, Maryland

January 31, 1952

Mr. John Bentley Graham, Anderson, Probst and White Hay Adams House Washington, D.C.

Dear Jack:

I wish to acknowledge your letter of January 28th, confirming my engagement to address the seventy eighth annual meeting of the Farmers Convention of Montgomery County on February 23rd, and Mrs. McKeldin and I look forward to being with you.

I am most appreciative of your very complimentary remarks and especially your confidence in my ability to be the leader of the Nation.

I also wish to thank you for the ticket to the baseball game on April 15th, and I look forward with pleasure to seeing the game with you.

With kindest personal regards, I am,

Sincerely yours, Theor. McKeld Governor

TRMCK/ o'c

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January 12, 1952 - 1024th Meeting THE ENTERPRISE CLUB

W. H. and T. S. Gilpin entertained a large group of members and guests fro the 1024th meeting of the Enterprise Club, at William Gilpin's home, "The Briars". No walk was taken but members enjoyed a fine social period. A delicious turkey dinner was served, after which the meeting was called to order by our President, William W. Moore.

There was a large number of guests. F. W. McReynolds and F. L. Thomas were our only absent members.

Dr. Vann was present for his first meeting as a member.

The minutes of the last meeting with the Gilpins were read. The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved with slight correction. Also read were the minutes of the meetings in Feburary 1919 and September 1920 with C. B. Gilpin. There were comments on the old minutes. Dr. Englund was asked to check on the status of minutes being copied by the U. S. Department of Agriculture.

Crop Prices

Wheat $2.46 Calves $38.00-$41.00

Corn 10.00 Lambs $32.00

Hay 35.00-45.00 Apples 2.50-3.50

Battle 30.50-34.00 Eggs .46-.53

Hogs 19.50

Shiped in alfalfa is bring $52.00.


L. S. WESLEY has some fire wood for sale.

L. S. WESLEY commented on literature he distributed about taxes.

Dr. VANN - Read extracts from the Country Gentleman magazine on pasture management and irrigation in Oregon and grain and pasture fertilization in Wisconsin. He wants to know whether to follow the example of these men in using large amounts of nitrogen. Management,

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especially rotational grazing, is very important. Nitrogen is not needed if legumes are doing a good job. Nitrogen may be very, very beneficial if it is lacking and is not supplied by nodulation or other means.

O.N. STABLER has U. S. 505 and U. S. 13 seed corn for sale again this year.

R. H. MILLER announced that current history of neighborhood will be read Sunday evening February 3rd.

S. P. THOMAS comment on recent magazine article illustrating the vast difference between a million and a billion dollars.

STANLEY MOORE wants a second hand buck rake. Dr. Bird has one that he will sell if he cannot convince his farmer that he should use it for hauling fodder.

P. G. LIGON asked price for 6" locust posts. $1.00 or a little less locally. Posts are availabe from Frederick County for about 80 cents delivered.

J.J. HUTTON wants to know where to rent a chain saw. Pendleton at Wheaton rents them.

FRANK WILLSON seeded grass in September and now has a very poor stand. Will it thicken up?

WALTER WILSON-- When should sawdust be put on strawberries and raspberrries? Put on raspberries in Spring. Use on strawberries is debatable.

O.W. ANDERSON-- Has to reroof a bank barn. Should he remove shingles before putting on new roof? Most would remove shingles though some would leave shingles for insulation and to prevent possibility of animals getting nails.

Dr. BIRD asked whether a trench silo is practical. Opinion divided. Some think them practical. Others do not like them.

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WILLARD HARVEY has locust posts for sale.

W. W. MOORE - Asked whether the neighborhood should take some action to help guide the development of this neighborhood. Should the community council be revived to function in a manner somewhat similar to a Chamber of Commerce.

Secretary asked to communicate with other two Farmers Clubs to get feeling of group.

Adjourned to meet with Ben Shaw in February.

Stanley P. Stabler Secretary

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