Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1971



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1, 241st Meeting

February 13, 1971

The Club met with Stanley and Bob Stabler on this rainy Saturday evening -- roads in the area were flooded -- that gave the appearance that all the spigots were left on. If only we could save some for July and August!

Our walk was confied to a tour of the living room and den where we were later fed a magnificent dinner of country ham, roast beef, and all the complements done to a tee.

Old minutes of February 14, 1942, meeting with Eric Englund were read after President Drew Stabler called the meeting to order. During the reading of the minutes from the last meeting, Secretary-pro-tem T. Stabler noted the following guests: O. Harvey, D. Hobbs, J. Hutton, R. Chichester, B. Miller, H. Fraley, S. Riggs, W. Adams, D. Ligon, M. Lethbridge, S. Stiles, R. D. Riggs Jr, B. Bonifant, Absentees were Behrendt, Goff, and Conner.

The old minutes were expertly and flowingly read by our host. Next, the usual frustrations were experienced when we tried to agree on -


Wheat - 1.70

Corn - 1.70

Hay (alfalfa) - 44.00 (2.35/bale at Bowie!) Elsewhere, 40.00 in barn

Straw - 35.00

Barley - 1.35


Fat cattle - 31.00 to 32.50

Feeeders - up to 40.00

Hogs - 20.50 (29.75 a year ago)

Veal calves - 40.00 to 50.00

Heifers - 375. to 425.

Milk - 6.69 cwt.

Old business - none. New business - none.

We were all sorry to hear that Bert Stabler (Albert, Jr.) passed away Thursday, a week ago. He was a loyal Club Member for many years before moving to North Carolina.

Last edit about 2 years ago by ASaxena
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Enterprise Club - 2 - 1,241st Meeting Feb.13, 1971

QUESTIONS & COMMENTS 1. Stanley Stabler asked the price of firewood.

Ans. $35.00/cord , stacked.

2. Bob Stabler reported that the beef we ate tonight was a 1,790-lb Holstein steer raised on the place...Flint corn from South America must be well ground before feeding of will pass through a cow undigested.

3. Jim Wightman asked what be a fair price to charge for pasture rent.

Ans. One said rent all 8 acres for season; $10 per acre.

4. Mike Lethbridge enjoyed "eating that old bull." Asked the price of clover seed.

Ans. After a remark like that, no one would give him an answer.

5. Sam Stile's alfalfa has not done well. Should he add seed on an established stand?

Ans. Disk lightly and add seed. It's a gamble. Stanley suggested use of grain drill and not regular disk.

6. Bob Bonifant asked what the "boys" in Annapolis are doing about the farm assessment.

The proposal is:

Ans. As long as land is actively farmed it will be assessed as farm land. If sold, past taxes would be collected for three years. Hearings are being conducted. Contact delegates personally and state your views. Farmers are paying equivalent for the services rendered as are urban dwellers.

7. Cliff Wightman: What is the price of seed corn?

Ans. Blended $16 to 32 / unit.(blight resistant.) If you use own seed, you can expect 25%-35% reduction in yield - soft ears, short ears, poor set. "N" seed should be resistant to blight, may not yield well. "T" seed for is susceptible if blight hits.. Stablers purchased seed corn today (Dekalb.)

8. Dan Ligon asked about driver's licenses for farm vehicle operators such as for tractors, pick-up trucks.

Ans. Licenses will be required to operate each class of vehicles. Tests will be given to operators unless they certify that they have driven a certain class of vehicle prior to a week before January 1, 1971. A test is required of those applying for additional classes of permits after the 1st renewal, An "A" license should be obtained when your permit renewal comes due if you expect to drive a trailer truck,

9. Sam Riggs asked isf Drew's last planting of wheat came up. a "B" license if you

expect to drive

Ans. Didn't know. large trucks.

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Enterprise Club - 3 - 1, 241st Meeting Feb 13, 1971

10. Darrington Riggs - What is the price of ensilage?

Ans. Mold and crust is free -- one says $ six, another says $ eight, ton still another says ten.

11. Mr. Adams puzzled about corn question until he realized it wasn't in the bottle.

12. Drew Stabler asked a very involved question about a strange upper respiratory disease affecting the eyes and muzzle of cows. This secretary got no help from the smart-alec members concerning details of this affliction so our descendants will never gain benefit from our experiences in this subject area.

The Club adjourned to meet with Clifton Wightman in March as Tom Stabler will be in Ecuador at that time.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas M. Stabler

Secretary Pro Tem

Last edit about 2 years ago by thegaysianbooknerd
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The Enterprise Club 1239th Meeting March 13, 1971

Clif & Jim Wightman were hosts for the 1239th meeting of The Club on the regular date in March. No walk was scheduled so we missed seeing the good livestock operation which we normally inspect here. We enjoyed however, the usual warm hospitality at at the Wightman's attractive home. After a pleasant social period we were treated to the usual fire Wightman dinner featuring home cured ham, [Monet?], beef, etc. + all of the usual with the usual [?] When the meeting was called to order the sec was embarrased to find that he had not brought the book with the minutes of the last meeting with the Wightmans. He did have the minutes of the last months meeting & these were read & approved.

Our historian, Tom Stabler, had asked the Wightmans to take this month's meeting because he was going to be out of the country. However, he showed up, drank a big drink or two, ate a big dinner & read

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sandy Spring Museum
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3-13-71 Cliff + Jim Wightman

Social period excel. dinner min. of hosts last were not here. min of Feb. meeting read & approved a set of old min of a meeting at Norwood [10-2-69] Oct 2, 1869

Crop price Corn 1.66 Fat Cattle 3200 Wheat 167 Feeder " 34-4000 Hay 4000 in born Hogs 1875. 1900 Straw 30-35" ' Calves 3900-6500 Barley 135 Spring Heifers 375-425 Milk 660

Under new busines Rudel Beall's sons were invited to attend [?] meetings as associate members.

Jim Wightman commented that gate posts were quoted in old minutes at $300/pair. He has bought posts this year at the same price. The old ones were probably much larger.

Frank Willson has wire grass in lawn. How can he control it? Paraquat applied regularly will probably control it & will not sterilize soil.

Clif Wightman- How to control crabgrass?- There are crabgrass killers but they are expensive. Clif Wightman- are the small spreaders

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sandy Spring Museum
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