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January 1991
No meeting of the Enterprise Club was scheduled for this month.
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February 1991
The annual Ladies Night was held in February in place of our regular monthly meeting. We gathered at Brooke Manor Country Club in Olney along with members and wives from other clubs for a fine buffet dinner. Entertainment for the evening was a talk and an award winning rendition of an FDR speech from Delmas Wood. A good time was had by all who attended.
Robert D. Riggs
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MARCH 15, 1991
On March 15, 1991, we gathered at the Chruch Hall in Brookeville with host Bob Stabler for the 1449th meeting of the Enterprise Club. A larger than usual crowd was on hand and after sharing small talk and stories (some true and some false), the ladies of the church announced dinner was ready. Everyone sat down to a fine meal of roast beef , ham and all the trimmings. When the plates were cleaned and cleared, we gathered at one end of the hall and the meeting was called to order.
Guests for this evening:
Sam Riggs Chris Stiles Jim Barnsley
Dick Janney Doug Velisk Doug Tregonning
Hardy Pickett Pete Cashell Bob Smith
Bruce Brandal Howard Jennings Rosecoe Whipp
Fred Lechlider Tom Jones Tim Warman
David Lechlider Lansdale Pue
Jammie Jamison Steve LHampture
Absent members:
Minutes of the last montly meeting, and the last meeting which Bob were read and approved. Randy Stabler read a set of old mintues from March 21, 1891.
Crop Prices:
Wheat $2.85 Hogs $ .52-.51
Corn 2.80-2.85 Feeder Cattle .90-.95
Oats 1.84 Fat Calves .78-.82
Barley 2.70 Green Calves 1.20
Mixed Hay 2.25 Cull Cows .53-59
Alfalfa 3.25 Diary Heifers 1,000.00-1,200.00
Straw 2.00-2.25 Lambs .74-.75
Soybeans 5.90 Milk 11.99
Soybean Meal 245.00
Sam Riggs told a story about one of his cows that was calving in the field one morning, close to Rt. 108. It caused s small traffic jam as people were stopping to watch. Once Sam even saw a school bus stop for a short time. When he returned to his house, there was a message on his recorder from a lady who objected to Sam letting his cow so such a thing where people could see and voiced her objections. Some thought he should call her back and explain that a cow always returns to the same spot to calve that she and the bull had met some nine months prior.
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Meeting Number 1449 March 15, 1991
Questions: Almost everybody had one and all were answered, not necessarily in the following order.
Q. Alex Hepner asked what's the purpose of the law that requires cattle to be fenced out of streams.
A. It is not law now, but probably will be in the future. However, if there is a complaint about livestock in the streams, you can be made to fence them off.
Comment: Emory Patton stated that the Lions Club will hold their annual auction March 23rd, at the Turf Center.
Q. Jim Barnsley said it seems like farmers are blamed for the pollution problem when actually, homeowners are more to blame for the pollution of water, etc. This question began a lengthly discussion on the problem of the perception that farmers are large polluters, when in fact, homeowners, businesses, and golf courses are applying larger rates of fertilizer and chemicals per acre than farmers.
Q. Lansdale Pue asked how many dairy farms there are in Montgomery County.
A. 18! In 1959, there were over 250.
Comment: Tim Conner has a Ford 8 N tractor for sale.
Comment: Tim Warman stated the Ag Leaders Forum will be held April 2nd thru the 5th. Topics will be farm land preservation, the water run-off tax (which if passed would cost $10.00/acre for every acre owned,) and to look at the future of agriculture in Montgomery County.
Q. Roscoe Whipp told of several bills to come before the house and voiced his opinion on them.
Q. Jamie Jamison asked what T.D.R.'s are worth.
A. $7,000.00 in Montgomery County but none are selling.
Comment: Dick Janney did not have a question but told a good story on Sam Riggs.
Comment: Drew Stabler told of Doug Lechilder, a local landscaper, who is doing a federal highway job where the specks called for 1 ton of 10-10-10 fertilizer per acre to be applied. This started more discussion on the use of fertilizer and chemicals and the way in which they are being used by agriculture, homeowners, business and government.
Adjourned to meet with Tim Conner in April.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert D. Riggs
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APRIL 13, 1991
We met on a damp, rainy evening with our host for the evening, Tim Connor. Even in the early evening darkness, things around Tim and Sues lovely home were trimmed and well arranged as usual.
We gathered on the back porch for snacks and friendship, which were both enjoyed. Soon the head chef gave Tim the nod and we sat down to a delicious dinner of stuffed pork chops and all the trimmings, including Sues' wonderful sticky buns. Drew Stabler began to count the calories on his plate, but showed he could eat faster than he could count. We then gathered in the living room, where our President called the meeting to order.
Tims' guests for this evening were: Sam Riggs Tom Jones Dan Ligon Oland Hawkins Hardy Pickett John Ligon Willard Derrick
Absent Members:
Minutes of the last meeting with Tim read, as well as last months minutes with a few minor corrections added. Our historian, Randy Stabler, read a set of old minutes from April 18, 1891.
Crop Prices:
Wheat $2.70 Hogs $ .49-.50 Corn 2.75 Feeder Cattle .85-1.20 Oats n/q Fat Cattle .79-.81 Barley 1.90 Green Calves .80-1.25 Mixed Hay 2.20-3.00 Cull Cows .48-.53 Alfalfa 80-1.25/ton Dairy Heifers 1,000.00-1,100.00 Straw 2.00 Lambs 1.00-1.25 Soybeans 5.90-5.95 Milk 11.79 Soybean Meal n/q
Q. Tim Connor said his property tax appraisal had been raised 100%. He has appealed and has his hearing this week. Is this a waste of time or not?
A. Most thought he would not have much luck, but should go and voice his opinion anyway.
Q. Dan Ligon asked if you should spray for gyspy moth.
A. Yes