Enterprise Farmers' Club Minutes

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Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1873-1878

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106 Enterprise Club met at Mt Airy September 2nd 1876 For once we had all our members present. Henry Miller Henry Hallowell & Wm Henry Farquhar were our welcome guests.

After organising we worked out to prospect Farm [Exc] usual manner [?] [?] having been appointed [?] [?] he having honoured us I [suppose?] in [consequence?] [of?] its being [the?] [confirmed?] [?].


Last edit 2 days ago by magoo1234
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Ques 3rd[?] Does it do to make dam for ice pond in woods. Ans yes

Ques4 Is best to plough fields[1.2or3[rd]] for corn. First & 2nd have nothing on & 3 had hay cut off this spring generally in favour field No 3

Ques5 When is best time to sow wheat. From 1st to 10th Oct.

Ques 6 How much is straw worth from 100[?] wheat & foder from 100 [bbl?] corn Each being a good crop & how much per bbl for corn $9.00 for straw. $3500 for fodder &$2.35 for corn

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV
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& feed well on oats & hay or grass

April 11th When best time to pick apples. With Cider considered too soon Then adjourned to meet at Jos T Moores Sept 30th/876

I forgot to comment to [illegible] to [illegible] the first rate supper we had

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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Enterprise Club met at Harvard residence of Mr Joseph T Moore Sept 30th 1870 Thirteen members present. The first general appearance of farm buildings was of everything hit arder and well

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sandy Spring Museum
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145 [{6 columns{]

Potatoes Acres Pork Hogs Oats Acres
300 1 3/4 3400 20 100 3
600 4 1/2 3569 18 300 10
65 1 1600 9 275 5 1/2
300 3 1/4 7400 63 275 7
265 2 3/4 1500 10 50 2
100 1 2300 16 425 9
150 2 1734 8
6 1/2 6000 30 100 2
12 1/4 2350 12 220
75 3/4 1000 9 17657 45
600 6 550 2 [?] 39 W
86 3/4 5500 27
60 1/2 } 4500 36
65 2 1426 7
525 5 44869 9
3209 32 288 288
Last edit over 1 year ago by Princess1

Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1878-1891

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The cattle that we saw were in good condition, [tho?] our best [informed?] is that he had sent the poor ones that he was [?] of to the other place.

The hogs and pigs were very fine This large farm is managed in a very energetic way perhaps the appearance of [none?] of our farms has changed more.

The market committee reported attention to the subject and were [?]

The committee upon the "7th [Rt?] road." reported having seen the Commissioner's of the D.C. and secured the assurance that the road would be put in order this summer. Relaxed with thanks.

Questions How close to a spring may I ditch without
2nd Shall I [pasture?] my [?] field for
3rd Shall I plant corn early or late on new
4th Shall I stop planting corn to [haul?] [?]
5th What crop can I substitute for potatoes?
garden seeds Pay your money and take your choice,

6th How close shall I plant corn?
12, 3 ft 9 in each way.
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convention. The amount was immediately raise and he directed to pay it over to the proper person. The committee on the Market House Company was continued B.H Miller desired advice in regard to applying Oyster Shell lime on new pine land, tennant to do the work, he to pay them 7cts per bu for delivering the shells on the place. 13 mem said do it. P. T. Stabler censured members for not sending in their crop reports to the sec. So that he might make a full report to the Convention. R.M. Stabler asked if he should engage to deliver 200 Potatoes in W. C. next mo. at 75 cts per bu? Ans. Nearly unanimous yes. W. W. Moore asked did it-pay to hold the annual convention? Ans14 to 3 in favor of it Arthur Stabler wanted to know which to sell now Clover or Timothy hay? Ans. We told him Clover. Samuel Hopkins is puzzled to know what to do with surplus corn? Ans. T. J. Lea says buy small pigs at drove yard & feed for summer market. W. S. Bond & R.M. Stabler agreed with T. J. Lea, provided the pigs could be purchased at moderate prices. Gran Far=

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3rd Ques - in order, is when cracked a fog on How thick to cover ice in ice-house? Ans- from 6 in. to 1 ft. with sawdustor shaw 4th Ques- With what to make the bottom of horse stalls? Ans. Clay, Clay + Gravel Clay + Shaw, Clay sand + Gravel, were suggested. No one advocated boards–the material the questioner desired to use 5th Ques- Would it be to the advantage of the Turnpike Co. to lower the toll to one half for broad head wagons? Ans- 5 think it would, 9 think otherwise; which don't prove anything 6th Ques- Shall I put up post + nail or plank fence along public road?Ans- About equally divided, querist–deciding to put up post + nail 7th Ques- 6 say they will attend the meeting of the County Ag. Socie, 8 declare they will not. Ava M Slater proposes to build a grain Elevator at Laurel for the use of Farmers in the adjoining counties, which was approved of by most present Then adjourned to meet at Belmont 3/12/81 E.I.D. sec

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119 1stQues. What is the comparative value W. Oak &Locusts [ports?] for [paling?] [on?] board fence. ---- From 2 1/2 to 5 times more durability in the Locusts. -- 2 nd Ques. Shall I sell wheat straw for 25Cts per. cut or spread it. Unanimously put it on the land. -- 3rd Ques. Would you put lime on rough land or harrow first. Harrow or rub it down . ----- 4th Ques. How to time peach trees before planting . --- Cut the top off and trim close . ----- 5th Ques. What are you paying for day hands ? 50 Cts, but our host says it ought to be 60Cts. 6th Ques How soon will it do to pasture rye . -- In a few days by letting them stay on it just long enough [?] to feed 7th Ques. What is the best kind of self binder to buy, and what sized crop jusstifies one ? --- About 40 acres. The M cCormick, Champion Buckeye, & Wood were all recommended, . --- 8th Ques. Would you plow sod for corn now or late? Now for fear of its getting hard . --- 9th Ques. What Stallion will the members breed to this season ? The majority will patronize the thoroughbred Percheron['?] 10th Ques. What will it be worth to cut wheat with a binder ? 8 say $ 1.50 per acre, 8 say $1.25 . ---- 11thQues. A member has 8 steers that he has been feeding a little meal to for a month, how is the most profitable way to fatten them . Increase gradually to 1/2 peck at a feed . ----- Adjourned to meet at Edgewood 4/29/82 Arthur Stabler Secy.

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120 April 29th 1882 the Club met at Edgewood, -- and organized with [Fran?] Farquhar as foreman, 12 members being present . -- After reading the minutes of the last meeting held here, we started out for a general inspection of the farm. -- Our attention was called to two fine young horses our host had recently purchased in Va., - they showed plainly that they had found a good home, as they had a comfortable look, and like the sleek fat cows we saw a little later, proved that on this well regulated farm, " the eye of the farmer fattens the ox". -- The garden as usual showed that it had received a full share of the host's attention, as he like all good husbandsman knows that it is the best field he has. --- Some beautiful Berkshire shoats & pigs reminded us forcibly of the pictures we see in agricultural papers. -- --- In passing over the fields we pronounced the farm as being well set in grass. --- . The granary was fwell filled with corn .-- W. H. Brooke, W. M. Stabler R. H, Miller and H. H. Stabler were present as guests, and helped to dispose of a bountiful supper, which we enjoyed all the more by being waited upon by the hostess and several of her daughters . ------ After the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved , the following questions were asked and answered . --------

Last edit 8 months ago by MaryV
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