Enterprise Farmers' Club Minutes

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Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1926

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J. W. Jones. Will sow rye in August, seed to grass to pasture next year. Shall be use raw bone @ 36.00per lb. in preference to 3-12-3, Most of those who answered would mix the two.

Albert Stabler, exibited a fine stalk of corn & asked if it would pay to have wild sweet potatoes & results out of corn fields. No,. He also wanted to know how to get rid of these pests. Crop fields for [two?] years in soy beans, was suggested.

M. J. Stabler want to know how to reseed blue grass when sod had been taken off.

Last edit 3 months ago by MaryV
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It was [?] that [ground levy?] might be [unfurable?] for us [chickens?] wherein after [Thomas?] [hor?] [heen?] warning.

C.Y. Gilpin switched [it?]

Last edit about 2 years ago by thegaysianbooknerd
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Dec. 18th 1926 The 735th meeting of the Enterprise Club was entertained by [?]arlton B Stabler an [?] above date - The following member being absent - Sam.l, E. C., & Francis Thomas, Dr. Chrisie Maurice Stabler, Harwood Owings, and Lamur Jackson, with no guests Present, due to the fact, no doubt, that both the other Clubs met the same evening.

The small attendance was unfortunate an all account - but especially so from the fact our hostess had provided such a bountiful & delicious chicken & fresh sausage supper to which "we all" did ample justice & "went the limit."

Members convined late & darkness came quickly - therefore the walk was dispursed with - Minutes of the last meeting here were read, there those of previous meeting with C. E. Bond which were apprd

Ara W. Stabler told of the damage down at the Oakley School Halloween by [recreant] boys & three the Co. Police had been apprehended and would pay for damage done rather than be prosecuted - After some discussion the Club decided to herein note this matter of Halloween abuse & for our members to keep it mind & have our [say] bringing the matter to the attention of the Co Police Dept. next Oct, request

Last edit over 1 year ago by Princess1
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them to have the roads specially patrolled the Halloween night thereby preventing a repetian of these abuses.

Crop prices

Wheat 139 1/2 bu Corn 300 to 350 bbl

Trin Hay (baled) 2500 Potatoes 150bu,

Apples 25 ¢ to $100 ans 0 Hogs 12 1/2¢ for 100

Beef cattle 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 ¢ lb.

Motion was made to appoint committee of 4 to meet like com's from the 2 other clubs, to arrange for Farmers Convention. Rust Gilpin [apr'd?] + H. H. Stabler, Milton Bancroft + Wm Moore. These to be called together by Rust Gilpin - he being member of comm. Ex. Offi cio. Opinion of Club being in favor of continuing Meeting of Farmers Con. and the Committee was instructed to so advise when the gen'l com. meets.

Comm. asked to find out why there is a lack of interest as evidenced by basket shortages. Geo Wilson thinks its because of farmers interests are out of line, be cause of labor shortages, [?], etc.

Several members agreed with him.

B. H. Miller asked for


#1 B. H. Miller asks price [?] hogs, 18¢ lb.

#2 Can pumps extract water from well

Last edit 9 months ago by MaryV
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