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Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1878-1891
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in its favor. Sam l Hopkins thinks the hybrid the best to plant. Ques 5th What do you dock your hands for lost_time? Ans -- 50 to 75c a day , unless lose but little time ; then nothing . Ques 6th How many members still use South Carolina - [Bone?] ( dissolved) on wheat ? Ans --- Thirteen. All present would [?] bone-dust; after shovelling wheat ground if they had the dust. Ques 7th What is the best material to cover potato cellar with ? Ans -- 3 say pine boards --- 6 shingles and 6 rye straw. Ques 8th Shall I cut my sawed corn for Ensilage or cure for fodder ? Ans 11 for Ensilage --- 2 for fodder. Ques 9th Shall I leave off Timothy so as to increase the yield of wheat ? Ans -- No ---- [?] one bushel to 8 or 9 acres . $ 1.00 pr acre is the price for cutting corn. Some give the men their dinner in addition 4P.M. is the hour for meeting for the next 6months and all are respectfully requested to be punctual, as the fireman is expected to call to order as soon as a quorum is present. Adjourned to meet at Harewood Oct.4th 1884. Asa M. Stabler Sec'y -----
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Harewood. 10 thmo. 4th 1884 The Enterprise Club met at Arthur Stablers on this date ; all members except Wm S Brooke, present, tho' three were tootoo late [Is?] hear,the minutes read. Edw d [C?]. Gilpin and W M. Stabler were present as guests __ . It is five weeks to-day since we had rain , and only a slight shower then __ consequently we are now suffering from the most protracted drought we have known for years. The pastures are dried up ; the wheat cannot sprout for want of moisture, and the prospect for dry weather continues good. After a pleasant chat on the porch, we started to inspect the farm , buildings [&e?] ___ halting to examine a wagon, tool and lime house combined , which has been erected since our last visit, and will no doubt add much to the convenience of conducting the operations of this farm. We also inspected a new "henny" and y ard, built in the improved plan, with [?] resting on posts which do not come in contact with the house at any point. Our host informed us that it was a success , and can be kept clean of vermin.. Part of a fallow field we passed did not look as though it could be re duced without rain to soften the clods . The cattle, including some young stock raised on the farm, were looking well., and a flock of sheep [to?] be fattened
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were much admired. One green field in the distance could be seen. In returning to the house we passed a cornfield that has been seeded to wheat and was in beautiful order. Most of the Club thought our host was doing unnecessary work in rolling it. Back on the porch again the usual questions were asked and answered. Question 1st What shall I do with sugar-maple By the host. tree , that has been broken by storm. and has put out too many shoots ? Ans __ About evenly divided between thinning __ and all [?] the tree to thin itself. Ques. 2nd What will be the price of husking corn ? An Eleven say 20 c ___ two 25 c, and several will pay whatever they can get it done for. Ques 3rd What shall I do for a horse with poll_evil ? Ans __ First answer __ " Kill him" , but upon reconsideration Sam l Hopkins advised the use of blisters to bring the disease to the surface , and then the application of grease. Several cases have been known that were successfully healed in this way. Ques 4th How do you prepare your potatoe ground for wheat ? Ans _ [Harrin?] down and shovel with single or double shovel . One or two use potatoe shovel . Ques 5th How late in Fall will it do to put carp in pond ? Ans __ Any time up to Winter. The quality of
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191 carp was pronounced fair. Ques 6th What is the best preparation for new ground to be put in - wheat & grass ? Ans __ Shovel with single shovel plow and harrow in. Ques 7th Shall I sell timothy hay and buy clover for Sheep ? Ans. Yes ___ Ques 8th Will it pay to plant Apple orchard expecting to sell fruit at 15 to 20c per bushel at home ? Ans ___ 8 say yes ___ 2 no ___ Balance in doubt about its paying . Ques 9th Which are most profitable for Winter feeding , cattle or Sheep ? Ans ___ All agree that Sheep are . Ques 10th Are potatoes in cellar under dwelling hurtful to health ? Ans ___ 7 Yes ____ 6 no . _____ Then adjouned to meet at Sunnyside Nov 8th at 4 P. M._ one week after the regular time . because of Yearly Meeting .___ Asa M. Stabler Sec'y ___
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194 Oak Hill Nov. 29th 1884 The Enterprise Club met at Frederick Stabler's . Our accomplished Secretary Asa M. Stabler was by rule foreman of this meeting , which necessitated the appointment of another to act for this evening . This deponent __ not wishing to appear too anxious , demmured a little, accepted and was duly elevated to the [?] of the office. Absent members Wm S. Brooke. Wm [S?] Bond & [C?]has [J?]. Lea. Samuel Brown of [Senxtown?] Co. Virginia , Walter H. Brooke . W. M Stabler, R.H. Miller and Albert Stabler very very acceptably with us as guests. After the minutes were read we examined the premises. The garden was plowed all ready for Spring sinking. The hogs to be slaughtered the coming week , were very fine and were the innocent cause of much immoral betting about weights. The hen house was "elegant indeed"__ a hot house attachment ___ separate dormitory ___ setting some __ felt linings [?][?]. A member suggested that it could rightly be called a hen palace. The cattle in the very comfortable barn yard seemed to be doing very well , as indeed did everything here abouts . This place is rightly held as a model of good arrangement, Ques 1st What must I do with the corn stalks in a field where the corn was topped ?
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Answer __ Pile and burn . Ques 2nd Will it pay to feed pigs - buying corn ? Ans __ 9 say yes __ 2 no. Wm Morre was going to try feeding wheat. shelled corn the best feed for calves. Ques 3 rd Could a co-operative dairy be made a success in this neighborhood ? Ans _ Majority thought it could . Ques 4th Will 170 sheep fatten in one pen ? Ans _ Much better to separate them in several [?] Corn stubble intended for oats should be plowed early . Straw is of but little value in corn land unless spread a year before it is plowed under. Adjourned to meet at R. M. Stablers, Dec. 27th 1884 Granville Farquhar Sec'y Pro_Tem
Edgewood . 12 th ,mo. 27 th 1884 Our Christmas Club at R. M Stabler's A moderate quantity of snow on the ground and good sleighing [Fridene?] Stabler called the meeting to order a little after the thime fixed for convening , with 12 members present __ 3 more arriving later. leaving but two absent ___ T. [J?] Lea and Wm S. Brooke. W. M Stabler our only guest. The usual minutes were read , and our walk , necessarily
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short , extended only to the barn . Here we found wheat both in bin and mow, which suggested "speculation" on the part of our host. The cattle were up to their eyes in clover hay , and looked very fine. A set of stanchions brought forth some remarks to the effect that our host had changed his views in regard to them. But upon inqui ry this did not prove to be the case, as "these were only put in to hold the cows steady while being milked , and to educate them up to what they may look out for some years hence. The overflow from the new [dam?] was trickling into the trough, after [travelling?] 2100 or 2200ft under ground. The advantages of this permanent improvement will long be felt, by both man and beast. On our return to the house the minutes of Club held on F. Stablers were read ; also a communication from H. C. Hallowell, asking the appointment of a committee to arrange for Farmers Convention. Question 1st Could I turn my man out, without giving him 30 days notice ___ Ans __ Itwas thought not. Ques 2 nd What is the best Kind of g arden fence? Ans _ Barbed wire was recommended , but this has its objections so near your dwelling. Ques 2 nd What is the custom in regard to tenants raising poultry ? Ans Let them raise all the chickens they
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wish to , but if turkeys are Kept , they should be required to give the landlord one half the crop. Question4th Can I materially increase my supply of ice , by storing a lot in' rail pen ? Ans __ A majority thought it could be, & a six sided pen was advised. R. B. Farquhars ice - house being in a conspiuous place , he wished to know what kind of a roof to put on it[e?] All thought rye straw the best for the ice , but a fancy shingle roof would be more in Keeping with the summer [drugs?] ___ 9 prefer straw 5 saw - dust to cover ice with. This being the time to select a Secretary to serve for the year 1885 __ we devoted about on him, to this service. P.T.Stabler was the successful candidate, and was declared elected at a salary of [$?] 15 ___ per yr. At 8.20 adjourned to meet at E.P. Thomas in the usual time next month. Asa M . Stabler Sec'y _____
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1st Mo. 24 th 1885 The Enterprise Club met at the residence of Edw. P Thomas , R M Stabler acted as foreman , and the secty for the year not being present, A M Stabler was appointed for the day . 13 Members were present, R B Farquhar, W w S Brooke, Thas. J Lea, and P J Stabler were absent . The invited guests were , R H Miller , R Roland Moore A G Thomas , John Thomas, [J?] F Thomas, and J J Shoemaker , after the Minutes were read , the Sec read a communication from the Com. of Agriculture, requesting the name, and date of organizations of all Clubs , [Granges?] [&c?] in our County , also from same an invitation to attend a convention of farmers & planters to be held at the exposition building , New Orleans on Feb 10 th . After an attempt to raise a fund to send one delegate moved unsuccessfull , the Secty was directed to notify him of this decision , we then went as far as the Barn to inspect stock , buildings [&c?], a valuable horse with the pole evil was seen which disease did not seem to yeild to , & the chances for recovery seemed few . ____ The herd of dairy Cows wered looking well , and were enjoying their evening
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200 Ques. Shall I put S.C, Rock on poor land for Corn , 13 would , 7 were in favor of drilling it in after plowing , & 7 would plowih in , 6 th what are whiteoak posts worth, about 9 cents , 7 th Has any one fed small Potatoes to Cows, --- yes, with some good results: The subjict of using boxes to handle Potatoes & apples with, was discussed, without arriving at any definite conclusion , It was proposed that our Club should attend the Farmers Convention in Baltimore as a whole , all would go that could , Then adjourned to meet at Wm S Bonds 2 nov 28th at the usual hour, A M Stabler sect pro-tem