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Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1878-1891
Page 415
10. Ques At what price can I afford to have wheat straw to washing tow
Ans Not lefs than [?]8. for tow.
10 11 Ques Who of the members lock their wheat + Corn
Ans Only one or two lock any thing but the meathouse
12 Ques Are you in favor of holding a convention this year?
Ans The sentiment was nearly unanimous for a Convention. The Pres appointed E. P. Thomas. Char E Bond and R B Farqhuar as a committee to confer with similar committees of the other Club to make the necessary arrangement for holding the convention. After spending a very pleasant evening we adjourned to meet at R Roland Moores Nov 22nd 1890.
Nov 22nd 1890
The Enterprise Club was called to order at R Roland Moores by R H Miller Pres pro tem. all of our members but Arthur Stabler were present. We had with us as guests F. J. Moore for W [?] Lea Jaddon R Stabler + Mr Davies. After reading the minutes of the last meeting here we started out for a walk. The best situation for a new Barn was thoroughly discussed after which our host was left to build where he thinks it would best please him, all agreed on the importance of not digging to deep
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416 Plainfield Dec 20th 1890.
The Enterprise Club was called to order @ 4.30 PM by Robert M Stabler president pro [?]. Fred Stabler and Arthur Stabler were absent. We had the following guests with us R [D?] Palmer F.J. Moore [?] Dr Thomas + John Thomas. After reading the minutes of the last meeting held here we [strolled?] out for a walk. The first object of interest was the [?]. among the lot we found [?] will spoiled bags: our host informs us they were not fresh: nor could he give us any reason for the serious trouble he has experienced of late from this [?]. A fine lot of hogs now ready to slaughter caused some of us to [?] on their weights. we were informed they were to be killed soon perhaps we will hear at our next meeting who weighed correctly before hand. Jan 17 [?] weight 1800 . The Poultry was much admired, especially the Turkeys. An unusually fine colt was shown that had been recently bought. Much question was done as to its weight at this [?]. A letter from our absent member Arthur Stabler was read proposing for various good reasons to have the next meeting by the Club at his house in May. It was arranged with P. J. Stabler to have our next meeting at his house + give Arthur his [Time?] in May as requested. A letter from [Jas?] R Hallowell was read requesting the Cooperation of the Club to test a Law of Washington which prohibits farmers selling sausage + [our?] meats at the markets. A resolution was unani mously passed agreeing to help him to the amount of
Page 422
prefer to have the meal crushed corn.
6//Ques Seeing a load of Coal being Tampered with in Washington shall I report to the owner?
Ans all say report at once.
7// Ques Shall I Sell corn now or hold on later?
Ans About equally divided.
8// Ques Can I make a fence of ribbon wire that will Turn cattle?
Ans Under favorable conditions it was thought it would turn cattle
9// Ques W W Moore wishes to know which will give him the best satisfaction Tiles or poles covered with stone.
Ans Nearly every one would prefer the poles + stone
10. Ques Shall I cover my [?] with Snow?
Ans All thought it would [?] good.
11/ Ques Which is best to cover [?] in the House? Leaves Sawdust or straw?
Ans a majority prefer to cover with Leaves. After spending a pleasant evening we adjourned To meet at [?] M Stablers Feb 21st 1891 JK sec
Page 424
2/Ques Which is best to plant my potatoes in corn stubble or in the next years corn field?
Ans Nearly all would plant in the corn stubble
8/Ques Whih is the best horse to breed to a heavy mare to where the object is to sell the colt?
Ans Most would use either a french [Coach?] horse or a percheron. Sam Hopkins was requested to see if Frank Brown would send one of his Horses here for use.
4/Ques Would you put manure on corn stubble for potatoes?
Ans Yes almost unanimously.
5 Ques Fred [?] Stabler wishes to Know what is the least price he sould sell his 164 acres on Rock creek for?
Ans 1 say $27. 7 say $30, 3 say 25+, $33 per acre.
6. Ques What should I pay for a clover sod to make 6 [Raes?] of corn pr acre?
Ans 3 say $6, 3 say $5, 1 says $4.50, 2 say $4
7 Ques How do you save seed corn?
Ans In theory all save it at husking time. but in Practice nearly every one waits Till spring [Chay?] & [Bond?] gave notice that he would finish Sulphar of copper to all who want to make the Bordeaux mixture at Cost.
8. Ques Would you pasture sheep on early wheat?
Ans All say yes when it is dry
9/Ques Has your [?] melted much this year?
Ans Most say it has melted 6 or 8 [?] from the sides?
10. Ques Do you recommend sowing [?] on corn stubbles?
Ans a majority sow [?] on all grain.
Page 428
10 Ques Is the racing at the County fair w benefit to the average farmer.
Ans much diversity of opinion was drawn out by the discussion of this question but your sec could not get any answer worth recording on
11 Ques Which will improve my land the most to plow a one yr old sod for potatoes or cut another crop of Hy?
Ans unanimously plow for potatoes.
12 Ques Will crimson clover be useful to sow at the last working of Corn?
Ans Nothing Known beyond what we read
13 Ques What is the board of a [?] worth for day?
Ans From 25 to 30 c
14, Ques Which will it pay best to buy a Percheron or a Clydesdale Stallion?
Ans Ans Nearly every one would prefer a percheron from 1500 to 1600 [?]
Adjourned to meet at Newton Stablers April 18th 1891
T. J. Lea sec
Page 429
Highland April 18th 1981 427
The Enterprise Club was called to order by our President at 5.[o.c P.M?] W.W.Moore P.J. Stabler. Arthur Stobler + R H Miller were absent We had with us the following guests at this [?] [F.Q?] Shoemaker. [Roby?] H Miller Mortimer Stabler and [?] Mr [Turner?]. This being the first meeting held at Highland since our host has been a member of the Club: it was decided to [lead?] the minutes of the last meeting held here during the administration of the owner. A heavy shower came on soon after [?] for what was to have been quite a long walk. The permanent pasture was still well supplied with [?] + plenty of [stocking?] various Kinds ready to utilize it. The stock cattle were of good quality + had been well kept during the winter. A pair of old oxen that had been fed were now ready to sell as soon as the price is satisfactory. Five Good mares and young foals are looking well were [?] in the pasture [the?] were prevented from going to see the lot of older colts by the rain. The [Coin?] House with its [door?] + windows open was well supplied with [?] for this season of the year. On returning to the house the minutes of the previous meeting were read + approved. After partaking of a bountiful supper presided over by our hosts mother + cousin, the following questions were asked + answered. 1st// 2nd What is the opinion of the [?] Harrow after using it for a year?
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Edgewood 429
May 16th 1892
The Enterprise Club met a the house of Robert M Stabler at this time, as it did not [?] Arthur Stabler to have us at this date according to adjournment. The secretary not being present and having no book, or minutes of the previous meeting we took our walk first. The first object that our host had to show was his good set of [grap?]. That proved on inspection to be a splendid set of Plantain which several of our members thought equal to R R Farquhars. On our way to the house we [?] a new strawberry bed of an acre and a [helf?] that looked very well. Some good shoats were seen Then to the Garden which was in almost perfect order. These we were informed that supper awaited us, and I am sure I can answer for every one, that no more could have been expected of the supper or the [?], the meeting was called again at 7.15 oc and as usual we had no essay. The customary questions were asked and answered all of which proved to be very interesting. Then Adjourned to Arthur Stabler
June 20th 1891
Newton Stabler Sec pro Tim
Page 433
1 Ques Our host asks shall he have a hedge + wire fence around the Lawn
Ans The setiment was equally divided many much in favor of the Hedge + wire + others just as much in favor of wire alone.
2 Ques What ought I to pay for month for the use of a a good [fush?] cow?
Ans 3 say $250. 2 say $3. 3 say $4. 4 say $4.50
3 Ques What can I do to prevent the smell from my hog Pen?
Ans the free use of dry earth or coal as [?] was the only remedy spoken of.
4 Ques How does the growing crop of hay compare with an average?
Ans Most say 50 to 60 per cent of an average
5 Ques How does the wheat crop compare with last years crop?
Ans from 20 to 40 per cent moore.
6 Ques What is the best use I can make of manure now on hand
Ans Put on young [grap?] or next years Corn
7 What is the cheapest [Lee?] house to build?
Ans A Round hole lined with chestnut poles.
8 Ques What is the best hog [?]?
Ans With floor + Roof over all.
after Spending a pleasant evening we adjourned to Warwick U Stablers July 18th 1891
J F Lea sec
[Then?] to Book No 4
Club Minutes: Enterprise Farmers Club, 1891-1911
Page 34
Asa MStabler, EdwP Thomas and RB Farquhar were appointed a committee on the Whashington Market, to Report when they are ready , [W?] 1/ques Where do you Keep your ashes Ans A majority Keep in a pile in the cellar. The others Keep in a pile in various out of the way places. __ 2/ ques What is fodder worth pr bundle ? Ans From Three to four cents . After spending a very pleasant evening we adjourned to meet at [F?]['?]alling Green [?]December 3d 1892 [F?].J.Lea Sec
Falling Green Dec 3d 189[?]2 The Enterprise Club was called to order about the usual Time with P.[L?].Stabler Arthur Stabler Chas E Bond Granville Farquhar , BHMiller &E P Thomas absent. We had numerous guests with us at this time. After reading the minutes of the previous meeting held here we started for a walk . _ The Corn Hous as usual full of corn of the best quality. A sodfield near the house was plowed for corn next spring . In the hog pen we found sows nice shoats feeding for the spring market The fat cattle were not as good as our host usually has._ We had considerable discussion on the subject of feeding cattle. Most members agreed that the steers were not getting a full ration of corn to ensure best results. It was so late that we returned to the house without seeing the other stock. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.after which we were invited topartake of a bountiful
Page 36
Rock Spring Dec 31 st 1892 We wre called to order about the usual time by W [?]W M oore as foreman. It being a stormy afternoon it was decided to takeashort walkbefore reading the minutes of the previous meeting held here .__ We found the Barn yard abundantly supplied with cattle & hogs of various sizes & ages. Feed was very abundant . __ The Oxen were very handsome. but most of our members would prefer to work cattle of a lower [grade?] having better feet & a faster walk :__ The Sheep pens were very comfortable, but this waste of hay was by far too great for a scarce season like this. _ One lot of sheep were ready for the Butcher, The Breeding Ewes wereall that could be desired . Several [slauctrious?] to secure unnatural Mothers who refuse to own their lambs we were told gave great satisfaction . Our Host is wintering his colts out this year and Thinks is much better than to stable them. On returnin to the to the House we read the minutes of the last meeting held here, also of the previous meeting , which were adopted. P.[T?]. Stabler, B H Miller ------------------------------------------------------------ Arthur Stabler Fred Stabler Chas. & Brooke & Granville Farquhar were found to be absent from this meeting. We had with us as guests W E Muncaster J.C. Bentley . F M Hallowell [T?]. B Stabler and Dr Brooke, our host read a most interesting meetingarticle on horse feeding showing how much how much better to use more straw and fodder than to use such quantities of hay as is the custom with most farmers , thereby causing so much heaves We had much discussion on feeding crushed corn to horses . __ A communication from the Deer Creek Club was on Road improvement was read, but it was not thought worth while for us to take any__ action at this time. The Election for Secretary for the ensuing year resulted in [T.J?] Lea being chosen & Chas E [Bond?] was appointed was appointed to collect his salary : The following question was reffered to Saml.