Letter: Annie Stabler Hallowell to her parents (James S. and Margaret S. Hallowell), 1868



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Baltimore Dec. 11th 1868

My dear Father and Mother:

Your truly acceptable letters came to hand last evening whilst I was at Cousin Gerard's in the midst of company - and as Father would say business first, I will come right to the point by saying I will be home on 3rd day morning in the stage if the weather is not too stormy. As much as I would love to stay until the last of the week, I am perfectly willing to come at that time as Father wishes me to. Cousin Gerard told me last night that he had written to thee - and I was very much surprised indeed, I feel quite anxious

Last edit about 1 month ago by mbrockway
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to hear its contents. We all came in from Cousin Gerards this morning - five charming damsels and not one beau! We all dined at Cousin [Lorrit's?] - after which meal I moved my baggage back to Uncle Albans and am now waiting for supper previous to going up to Uncle Bernards to a little company given to we girls. Stranger to say - I have not seen Uncle Ed once - and have only seen their wonderful child for about fifteen minutes - I have wanted to go down there and spend an evening but that I find would be impossible as our evenings are doubly engaged already. I am going down and spend tomorrow morning with Aunt Eliza & I will kiss the baby for Mother, as well as a dozen times for myself. Please tell Jimmy I received his nice letter &

Last edit over 1 year ago by Sandy Spring Museum
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would answer it if I could possibly find the time but am afraid I cannot. I read it aloud to [?] - Uncle Alban included - they all [pronounced?] it quite good for Small James. I cannot wish - much more as I want to send this on as you can get it tomorrow & answer in on 1st day for I want to hear on 2nd day certainly. I do hope all are well by this time. I can't write more as we are about to start to go to Uncle B. Uncle Alban asked me for my letter just now & the consequence was he wrote a little post crip. Much Love to the little one also Alice & Jimmy keeping a very large share for yourselves from your Loving daughter. Annie Hallowell.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Sandy Spring Museum
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2001.0013.0016a Baltimore Dec 11/18 Dr. James Anna has just handed me this letter to add a few line she has just returned to remain a day with us after flourishing around in the fashionable part of the City we would like very much if she could remain with us long enough to make us a visit. Julia talks of asking thee the same request but you know best. How about watch No 2 is it any impact on No 1 - Cant thee come down betw school 7 & 2nd days and see us. Affe A G. Stabler

Last edit about 1 year ago by Sandy Spring Museum
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Dear Bro James,

I am very desirous for Annie to remain until the last of next week. I have seen very little of her and am anxious to give her a little tea-drinking to ask I will be very glad to see you! I have never had an opportunity to pay your good daughter any attention, and feel in this case, and at this time, just in the [?] to be particularly agreeable, and do the "thing right" so please dear Bro James, for my sake, give your free consent for Annie to stay with her old aunty until Saturday I will promise to let her go then, and I will pay you a visit when the first [time?]

Last edit about 1 month ago by mbrockway
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