Page 67
The Home Interest convened at Oak Hill on the
25th of January 1879, Sarah P. Brookes, Margaret
Magruder, M. Edith Farquhar, Robert and Nannette
Stabler and Carrie S. Bond were acceptably with
us as guests, and the number of members present
was larger than on two former occasions.
Philip T. Stabler was requested to attempt to
keep us in order and he succeeded quite well.
1st Quest Dr Moore who have hen houses gather
more eggs than those who have not?
The majority reported gathering some eggs at
all seasons and under all circumstances, the
number varying considerably, and apparently there
is no fixed rule of average to the number of hens
kept. Like most other pursuits in life it
seems probable that care will be followed by
What shall I do with lettuce that is under
ice and snow? Lever it up and observe
"masterly inactivity".
What sort of trees to plant to screen a Shop?
Evergreens recommended or whitewash the shop.
Several housekeepers reported unfavourably with
regard to pressed hops.
What kind of chickens is considered best?
White Bramahs and dark Bramahs
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