92 Mt. Airy - 12-11-98
of the local option cause are handicapped while the present judge
and prosecuting attorney are in office. If in two years officers
in sympathy with the cause could be elected there would be more
hope. One guest said that in her opinion only woman suffrage
could solve this perplexed problem.
2. As there is a new enemy to the asparagus plant
a sort of scale, it was considered better to get rid of the old
tops without moving and concidered safe to burn it as it
stands, as the roots would not be injured.
3. Is there any danger of celery spoiling that was well covered
a few weeks ago just before a freeze. As there been much
warm net weather it would be well to examine [illegible] the middle and
remove some fodder if necessary.
4. In a garden fence at Dr. Brookes' new home it was decided
that nothing is more satisfactory or cheaper than a wire fence
4 ft chicken wire with three rows barbed wire at top, middle and
bottom, the barbed wire fastened on with copper wire.
Cost of material about 6 ch a yard. The barbed wire will
turn stock and it is hoped will turn men unless they prefer the
short cut and rags it's the longer way and whole garments.
4. How many chickens is it profitable to keep on an ordinary
farm, where the raising of chickens is not made an especial
business? The Home Interest with the wide range of thought
which characterizes it varied in anywhere from ten and fifteen
chickens to one million. Some thought that six can do as much
harm in the many places as a hundred.
The majority thought that 50 to start within the spring is a good
number. It was suggested tohave 175 or 200 in the fall.
Use them freely throught the winter sell some after Xmas. Starting
again with fifty in the spring.
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