Page 149




Status: Complete


not negro, but white women.
Some one asked who will continue
the good work when Mary has departed
as all her grandchildren are boys.

Mary was asked the difference between
a suffragist & a suffragett.
and an insolent man answered on
the side that the former was prepared
to fight with her tongue for the
ballot while the latter will
glory to fight with her fists if necessary

-Nellie Farquhar called attention
to the advisability of burning chimneys

-It will do Nelies asp: good to run
the plow close to the roots.

-Mr. Fussell was advised to plant
grape vines early in the Spring. Fred
Stabler would open a large hole &
fill with rich earth for each vine.

-W. W. Moore cant get satisfactory
kerosene. The standard oil trust
has a majority of patrons of course,
but no oil is absolutely perfect

-It was announced that the fall
exhibit open at Sandy Spring Dec 14 &
last one week

Adjourned to Harewood subject
to the arrangements of Mrs Stabler
at the regular time

F. T. sec

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