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Status: Complete

Elizabeth Ligon asked where a set of
sleigh bells can be bought. sure enough ones
not the antique variety? No public
answer to the quirie but trust she obtained
this information privately

Morris Fussell wants to know if any bored
or driven areas are dry - You reported so.

There being no further questions
then adjourned to meet at Clifton Jan 27th

H.H. Stabler secy

Clifon 645th meet'g
on the evening of Jan27th The
Home Interest gathered promptlyat Clifton the old
Thomas home, and we understand the oldest in this
section, it being said, the brick of which it is
built having having been brought
from England, as ballast, Whether
or not this be a fact, certain it is they
are different from any manufactured
in this locality indeed the old house
is in a class to itself & is most interesting.

The period of gathering together of
members and guests was enjoyed,
as usual, in pleasant greetings and
felicitations, until supper was announced,
which was "an honest to goodness one",
in keeping with the hospitality of the
old colonial home, traditionally recorded

At the end of the social hour
Garland Ligon called the meeting to order
and the minutes of last meeting were read
and approved. Also those of the last
meeting here of May 1929 Read by Eliza Ligon

1 Elza Thomas - Where can potatoes be had?
Answer, at the city markets

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