Page 99



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Springdale. Edward Leas. Met Oct. 3, 1868.
Circumstances not within the control of the absent
rendered our closing meeting smaller than any
held during the season. at least represented by
fewer members, but the usual hospitality of the
house had gathered a number of guests and those
of us who were fortunate enough to be present
agreed that it was a particularly pleasant meeting
if only to see the display of flowers we should have
been repaid. the large bunches of roses and rich
autumn annuals which were brought and tastefully
arranged added to those belonging to the place
and beautifully put together by the daughter of our host-
ess. One person looking over the different
baskets & vases said "how the Rockville Fair
would hang its head if it could look in here.
the specemins of this meeting far excelled those
shown at the late county Fair.

There was much
delay owing to there still being a hope that more
of our members would arrive. the meeting
was then called to order and the minutes
read. We had much interesting Horticultural
conversation. H Stabler of Roslyn regretted
forgetting to bring some second crop potatoes

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