Page 14




Status: Complete

11/7/1871 - 2 -
1. Who had tried Carbolic Soap and found
it successful in killing slugs on roses?
Rachel Gilpin
2. In hilling groundnuts is it right to cover
the blossom? No.
3. What has been the habit of the members
with regard to the treatment of Sweet
potatoes, should they be allowed to root
or twisted around the hill? Twisted
around the hill by all means & allow-
-ing them to root makes a great quanti-
-ty of very small potatoes which our
season is not long enough to ma-
4. In a large growth of foliage on grape
vines, should any of the leaves be
taken off to hasten the ripening of the
fruit and at what time? It was
thought it would be well to thin the
foliage moderately in June.
5. How do you treat tomatoes, stake them
up or leave them down? Most mem-
-bers left them down but disapproved
of it.

It was put to vote what we
should have our exhibition this fall
and the 7th of September decided
upon, and Rachel Filpin and
E.S.Addings were appointed to assist
the President in arranging com-

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