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Hermon 75 Fulford 80.

The walk was short as little had
been done this late spring. Potatoes sprout
-ed in the house were almost up and
the hot-bed looked well. All admired
the perfect neatness of the lawn.

Fulford May 1st 1877

May 1st 1877

Held our first meeting at Fulford the
new home of our members Thomas & Beulah
. We regretted the absence of
our members from Springdale Edgewood
Norwood Longwood White Hall
and Olney. Our guests were, Richard
Edith and Helen Bentley Dr. Iddings
wife and daughter and Hannah
and Hallie Chandler and Mr. Alnutt

The specimens were from Hermon
a basket of flowers and a Gloire
de Dijon rose in a pot, in bloom.
From Sharon a vase of Rose buds
and a dish of flowers from house
and garden. From Kentmore a dish
of very fine Pansies, from Avalon
a bouquet a bouquet, from Brooke
a bouquet & some spinach

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