Page 224


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4 revisions
Sandy Spring Museum at Jul 06, 2023 07:25 PM

Page 224

H/5/1889 -4- 225
be kept from water and it is suggestd
that 50 or more can be kept in a
light woven wire pen, if it be moved
from place to place

2 Is it best to soak Lima beans for
planting? Diversity of opinion, probably

3 What shall be planted in bulb beds?
plants with small roots

4 Will it injure a young asparagus
bed to cut from it? Not deemed wise
to do so

5 What are the best running roses
Douglas Climax and Climbing Hermora

6 Do tomatoes do best flat or trained?
The Society does not appear to agree
upon this point

A suggestion that tulips planted
in sod produced a fine effect
was submitted and Hallie Lea's thoughtful
kindness in sending Pink lily
bulbs for distribution was appreciated

The garden was in excellent or
and prettily situated. The feature
which attracted most attention was the row
of peas which were not stuck out were
expected to support themselves upon a wire
stretched from one end to the other. Some
members were skeptical as to its success. Having
completed the survey of the exhibits
and the garden and having enjoyed tea

Page 224

H/5/1889 -4- 225
be kept from water and it is suggestd
that 50 or more can be kept in a
light woven wire pen, if it be moved
from place to place

2 Is it best to soak Lima beans for
planting? Diversity of opinion, probably

3 What shall be planted in bulb beds?
plants with small roots

4 Will it injure a young asparagus
bed to cut from it? Not deemed wise
to do so

5 What are the best running roses
Douglas Climax and Climbing Hermora

6 Do tomatoes do best flat or trained?
The Society does not appear to agree
upon this point

A suggestion that tulips planted
in sod produced a fine effect
was submitted and Hallie Lea's thoughtful
kindness in sending Pink lily
bulbs for distribution was appreciated

The garden was in excellent or
and prettily situated. The feature
which attracted most attention was the row
of peas which were not stuck out were
expected to support themselves upon a wire
stretched from one end to the other. Some
members were skeptical as to its success. Having
completed the survey of the exhibits
and the garden and having enjoyed tea