Page 244


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3 revisions
Sandy Spring Museum at Jul 06, 2023 07:19 PM

Page 244

H/5/1890 -3- 245
4 Is it too late to plant an asparagus bed
now? Not if you can get the roots.

5 Is it too late to set out a strawberry bed?
It is a very good time.

6 Should raspberry suckers be cut off? Yes
all except what you wish for next
year's crop

7 How manage violets now in a cold frame
Leave in the frame and Some keep the
glass on

8 How succeed with water melon? Start
the seeds by putting inverted sods in
a cold frame, put in the seeds and cover
with sand. When large enough cover
cut the sod and set in hills on rows
as usual.

Some members find their rose bushes
and honey suckles much infected with aphid
Tobacco tea of whale oil soap recommended
The late posts injured the rose bushes
which had been growing all winter:
owing to the mild weather they were to far
advanced when the frost came.

Our President again reminded us
to consider it a duty for each to do
his and her part to keep the society
alive and active by bringing specimens
and attending to all appointments with
promptness. Volunteer readers are always
acceptable in additon to those
appointed by the President.

Page 244

H/5/1890 -3- 245
4 Is it too late to plant an asparagus bed
now? Not if you can get the roots.

5 Is it too late to set out a strawberry bed?
It is a very good time.

6 Should raspberry suckers be cut off? Yes
all except what you wish for next
year's crop

7 How manage violets now in a cold frame
Leave in the frame and Some keep the
glass on

8 How succeed with water melon? Start
the seeds by putting inverted sods in
a cold frame, put in the seeds and cover
with sand. When large enough cover
cut the sod and set in hills on rows
as usual.

Some members find their rose bushes
and honey suckles much infected with aphid
Tobacco tea of whale oil soap recommended
The late posts injured the rose bushes
which had been growing all winter:
owing to the mild weather they were to far
advanced when the frost came.

Our President again reminded us
to consider it a duty for each to do
his and her part to keep the society
alive and active by bringing specimens
and attending to all appointments with
promptness. Volunteer readers are always
acceptable in additon to those
appointed by the President.