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6 revisions
mbrockway at Oct 25, 2023 10:18 PM

Page 152

H/5/1896 -4-

on the same subject a poem by Mrs.
Hemans repeated by Henry C. Hallowell

Readers for next meeting Mariana
Miller and Dr. Kirk.
Dr. Kirk gave an interesting account of
the effects of the hot wave in April, it
affected the whole country North, South, East
and West and brought forward vegetation
astonishingly in high and low localities alike

1st Is it desirable to lime vegetable gardens?
Yes, 20 bushels to an acre

2nd What is the affect of nitrate of soda dissolved
in water for plants? Good, but
do not get it too strong or it will
kill or scorch them - A member read
that "a Sotchman's pinch of Snuff" to
two gals of water, was the right propartion
Peruvian Guano dissolved in water
is liked by some florist

3 What is the best strawberry for general
use? Bubach no. 5 and Haviland;
Gandy for late. Michel's Early is the earliest
at college station. Parker's early is also
a fine berry

4 How soon can pie - plant raised from
seed be used? In three years

Page 152

H/5/1896 -4-
on the same subject a poem by Mrs.
Hemans repeated by Henry C. Hallowell

Readers for next meeting Mariana
Miller and Dr. Kirk.
Dr. Kirk gave an interesting account of
the effects of the hot wave in April, it
affected the whole country North, South, East
and West and brought forward vegetation
astonishhingly in high and low localities alike

1st Is it desirable to lime vegetable gardens?
Yes, 20 bushels to an acre

2nd What is the affect of nitrate of soda dissolved
in water for plant[?]? Good, but
do not get it too strong or it will
kill or scorch them - A member read
that "a Sotchman's pinch of Snuff" to
two gals of water, was the right propartion
Peruvian Guani dissolved in water
is liked by some florist

3 What is the best strawberry for general
use? Bubach no. 5 and Haviland;
Gandy for late. Michel's Early is the earliest
at college station. Parker's early is also
a fine berry

4 How soon can pie - plant raised from
seed be used? In three years