Page 53




Status: Complete


planting an orchard of three trees, an elm
an apple and a cottonwood when he was
five years old thirty years ago. The Elm
and Cottonwood are fine trees. The seedling
apple is a gnarled, scrubby little tree.


This is a working month, planting seeds
working arounf raspberry and black berry
plants, rhubarb etc. Let out cabbage, start
hot-beds, work around rosebushes and fertilize
with bone dust. Take cuttings of begonia
and geranium.

Meteorologist gave no report
Janet Miller had nothing for us.
Poultry report, 1697 this month. 265 more
than we had last year
Exhibits, were fine, tulips and jonquils from
out of doors and fine blooms from windows gardens
and conservatories; onions, potatoes salsify
parsnips of last year, fine. Kale, spinach
lettuce and radishes and apples, all good.

{1}Is it too early to set turkey eggs? No, some
members say they succed best with early setting.
{2}What the latest time it will do set our
apple trees? 10th of May.
{3}What kind of apples for 30 trees? Refered to
Edward P. Thomas, to be answered at next meeting.
{4}Any any truth in the idea that Cedar trees
injure orchards by harboring insects? Some
think it true and that Haawthorn hedges are
equally undesirable. We have no personal knowledge.
{5}What to with chickweed? Plow it under
in the fall and keep the ground cultivated.
{6}How often turn eggs over? Every day.

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